Frankie Avalon’s Chicken Thighs with Peas, Sweet Vermouth, and Sherry

Back in college my roommate and I spent an entire afternoon just going through the names of celebrities and debating their “fuckability factor” if you will, We actually made a “dudes we’d do” chart (please remember this was pre-2000. There were no smart phones or streaming. We were bored). There were your standard folks inContinue reading Frankie Avalon’s Chicken Thighs with Peas, Sweet Vermouth, and Sherry

2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection for Mixed Drinks and Hors D’Oeurves (1977): Bloody Mary

  How ya doing? Are your schools closed? Are you self-quarantine-ing? Deep cleaning your house? Building a bomb shelter? Panic shopping? Speaking of panic shopping, have you been to the store recently?  I went to the supermarket yesterday, which was not the best decision–the parking lot was like something out of Mad Max. Cars wereContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection for Mixed Drinks and Hors D’Oeurves (1977): Bloody Mary