FUN FACT! I went dumpster diving for this book! OK, that’s a lie. I didn’t go dumpster diving for this cookbook (I reserve that for special items like my Velvet Elvis that was literally in a dumpster behind an apartment building in Boston). I found this little gem in a pile of books in myContinue reading The Best of Bon Appetit Bloody Mary (1979)
Tag: 1970s
2-in-1 International Recipe Collection: Salty Dog (1977)
So lately I have been absolutely obsessed with grapefruit juice. Grapefruits are auto-picks in my Imperfect Foods box and I had no idea what to do with them aside from put them in salads. This was before I came across this recipe card: And it’s low-calorie to boot! (although the calorie count on food/drink isContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Collection: Salty Dog (1977)
Cuervo Bloody Mary with Ortega Huevos Rancheros (1972)
Hello, friends! Are you looking for something different for this year’s Cinco de Mayo? Maybe something that’s non-taco (even though it is a Taco Tuesday)? Maybe something a little more low-key because of the pandemic and shit? Well, I have the dish AND drink for you! I found this in my collection while I wasContinue reading Cuervo Bloody Mary with Ortega Huevos Rancheros (1972)
2-in-1 Recipe Card Collection: Continental Sour (1977)
I have come to believe that the 2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection is basically the same 10 cocktails again and again but with itty bitty variations. Here is my example: I just made the Continental Sour: And in 2012 I made the New York Sour from the same cards: Look at ’em. I have toContinue reading 2-in-1 Recipe Card Collection: Continental Sour (1977)
YOU PICK! (Quarantine Edition) The RESULTS
Last week you voted for my next dinner. Here were your nominees: The winner is…
2-in-1 International Recipe Collection: Royal Kir (1977)
“I hate my new job,” I said yesterday to Mr. Sauce, Esq. Explanation: at the very beginning of March I left my company of 10 years and started a new position at a high school. Well, two weeks into my new gig the virus happened. School building closed indefinitely. So I hate my new jobContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Collection: Royal Kir (1977)
2-in-1 International Recipe Collection: Caruso (1977)
Today we take creme de menthe out for a spin! I had a bottle in my bar because of 191. Grasshopper Pie from the 1973 DiS cards. And since I made the pie it has sat in the back of the bar with the creme de cacao from the pie as well (creme de cacaoContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Collection: Caruso (1977)
2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection: Mississippi (1977)
We made a huge booze run(s) as soon as there was the tiniest whiff that there would be a chance that liquor stores would close. I bought 18 bottles of Pinot Grigio and I have 3 boxes of wine–2 rose, one white. We also got gin and vodka. Yes, I know that this makes meContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection: Mississippi (1977)
2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection for Mixed Drinks and Hors D’Oeurves (1977): Bloody Mary
How ya doing? Are your schools closed? Are you self-quarantine-ing? Deep cleaning your house? Building a bomb shelter? Panic shopping? Speaking of panic shopping, have you been to the store recently? I went to the supermarket yesterday, which was not the best decision–the parking lot was like something out of Mad Max. Cars wereContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection for Mixed Drinks and Hors D’Oeurves (1977): Bloody Mary
190. Chicken Fried Steak
Another Dinner is Served 1972 recipe card, and another dish that I basically have no recollection of because I made it back in May. Yes, MAY. I am nearing the one-year mark for some of these posts. Ridiculous! THIS is why I’m asking yinz to get on my ass if I don’t post at leastContinue reading 190. Chicken Fried Steak
Spangler’s Circus Peanut Salad (1976)
Greetings and salutations! It’s been a while since I’ve unmolded something for the blog. And I angered a lot of people with my Jell-O fail on Christmas Eve:
144. Macaroni-Beef Topsy Turvy
I know that I start so many of my posts with “sorry I haven’t posted in so long, but…[insert reason here]. But I don’t particularly have a reason this time. None. I can’t even come up with one. This made me think of my friend Richard. He has always told me that I’m an nihilist.Continue reading 144. Macaroni-Beef Topsy Turvy
Wiener Wednesday: Kraut & Frankfurter Plank Dinner (1971)
This is from THE MEATS COOKBOOK from Southern Living Magazine. I’ve been holding onto this one for a while, just waiting for the best moment to break it out. Look at the cover and you can see why. Quick background–my former co-worker Valerie gave this to me. I do not know to whom in herContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Kraut & Frankfurter Plank Dinner (1971)
Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Rolls With Crispy-Fried Onion Rings (1975)
It’s back, kittens! By popular demand, every Wednesday will be a Wiener Wednesday until July 23rd, which is National Hot Dog Day. (Apparently there are multiple National Hot Dog Days, but I’m gonna go with the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council and celebrate on the 23rd). I have some real humdingers in the pipelineContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Rolls With Crispy-Fried Onion Rings (1975)
Happy Birthday Cher!!!!
In past years, in celebration of all things Cher, I cher’d (yes, you can smack me later) her Hawaiian Meatballs. But first, let’s just turn back time (yeah, I went there) 2 years ago and relive my mother losing her goddamned mind when we saw “Classic Cher” at the MGM Grand in National Harbor: ThisContinue reading Happy Birthday Cher!!!!
BH&G Meat Cook Book: Lamb Shanks (1971)
I’ve had a hard time wanting to write lately because I don’t want to do much of anything. Maybe because I have been tending to a sick cat all summer. Brian is perpetually congested. He has lost weight and, before his newest antibiotic, his face was covered in snot of many colors. His incessant wheezingContinue reading BH&G Meat Cook Book: Lamb Shanks (1971)
176. Hot Dog Pizza
OH. MY. GAWD. It’s been like pulling teeth here, trying to get myself to sit down and write. Meanwhile, Margot’s teeth have literally falling out. Seriously. Teeth falling out. So, sometimes after a nap, her tongue just sticks out. And Brian has a chronic respiratory infection and is congested as fuck. Oh the noises heContinue reading 176. Hot Dog Pizza
Well, it Looks Nice From the Outside…
Do you live in the Harrisburg area? Do you happen to love staircases and wrought-iron railings? How about wallpaper? Do you dig wood paneling? Do you have $300,00 lying around? If so, I have the house for you! Here’s what the listing agent has to say: …Crafted of Valley Forge stone, this classic home boastsContinue reading Well, it Looks Nice From the Outside…