Wiener Wednesday: Surprise Drumsticks (1972)

It’s the last Wiener Wednesday of 2022! Today we have another reader-submitted recipe. Poppy Crocker from Grannie Pantries was kind enough to send over this gem from  Loyta Wooding’s Smart Shopper’s Cookbook (1972). Here’s the obvious question–what, exactly, is the surprise here?  These are obviously not drumsticks. Do you think you’d eat ground pork wrappedContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Surprise Drumsticks (1972)

National Tequila Day: The Ancient Tequila Arts of Montezuma (1974)

Happy National Tequila Day! In 1974, Montezuma Tequila released a series of magazine advertisements based around the Aztec calendar, which they called The Ancient Tequila Arts of Montezuma. This ancient calendar, called the Sun Stone, has an inner ring of twenty symbols, one for each day of the Aztec week. These symbols also suggests whatContinue reading National Tequila Day: The Ancient Tequila Arts of Montezuma (1974)

Wiener Wednesday: Frankfurter and Sauerkraut Goulash (1979)

For today’s Wiener Wednesday, we have a reader-submitted recipe! Paris B. sent me a selection of Frankfurter Recipes from the 1979 edition of the Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery.  I own a set of the 1966 edition–I’m wondering how much they changed in 9 years. The chapter on the humble frank begins as such: FRANKFURTER–FrankfurtersContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frankfurter and Sauerkraut Goulash (1979)