Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cookbook: Lincoln’s Log (1973)

I was recently going through old photos; came across the photo below and said to myself, “what the fuck is that?”

It took me a moment but I remembered what the fuck it was–Lincoln’s Log from Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cook Book (1973).***

After I found the photos, I took to the old draft folder and then discovered what was the beginnings of a post:

As good as the cake part turned out, that was how bad as the filling turned out. Albeit was delicious, it didn’t work quite right.

I used a white chocolate pudding in lieu of the regular chocolate so I could get the filling to be a pastel green with the creme de menthe. It just didn’t set right. Maybe because the white chocolate pudding mix only came in instant sugar-free/fat-free and not Cook n’ Serve.

Question: what is Betty Crocker chocolate fudge pudding IN A CAN?

So the filling was a little thin, but it was still tasty.

And that’s all I wrote.

***I almost don’t want to tell you how long ago I made this because it’s embarrassing, but it was June 2018.

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3 thoughts on “Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cookbook: Lincoln’s Log (1973)

  1. Bisquick rides again! Woo Hoo! This cake looks really good and not at all like the toy building pieces of the same name that I had as a child and coincidentally also came in a giant “can.” I wonder if Kozy Shack chocolate pudding would work as well as the canned stuff. I can vouch for individual puddings coming in cans back then. The curved pop top lid made a convenient, albeit dangerous, spoon.

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