Vincent Price’s Zippy Bloody Mary (1972)

In the early 1970s, Vincent Price was the celebrity spokesperson for Angostura Bitters.  He appeared in a series of print advertisements, each featuring a cocktail or recipe (or both) that includes the herbaceous liquid.  This ad was recently featured on Silver Screen Suppers, Since I have already mixed up his other Bloody Mary recipe, IContinue reading Vincent Price’s Zippy Bloody Mary (1972)

Marguerite Patten’s Sherry Tomato Cocktail (1974)

Another Bloody Mary? Yes, please! This recipe is from Woman’s Own 365 Menu Cookbook by Marguerite Patten (1974) Marguerite Patten’s Sherry Tomato Cocktail Flavour canned or bottled tomato juice with 1 to 2 tablespoons sherry and a little Worcestershire sauce. Serve cold in cocktail glasses. OK, I know what you are thinking–this isn’t a trueContinue reading Marguerite Patten’s Sherry Tomato Cocktail (1974)

2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection: Scotch Shoot & Scotch Smash (1977)

Happy National Scotch Day! In honor of the holiday I have prepared two different cocktails for you. Think of the Scotch Smash as a Mint Julep-Lite. This had less sugar, less mint, and less booze than the last julep I made:   View this post on Instagram   Mint Julep from 2-in-1 International Recipe CardContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection: Scotch Shoot & Scotch Smash (1977)