The Presley Family Cookbook: Elvis’ Green Eagle Dish with Eggs (1989)

Elvis died 45 years ago today at age 42. FORTY-TWO. Wrap your head around that. It’s wild to think that if he didn’t pass back in 1977, today he’d be 87. He could conceivably still be recording and performing*** Look at Tony Bennett, he was duetting with Lady Gaga up until 95! Randomly placing thisContinue reading The Presley Family Cookbook: Elvis’ Green Eagle Dish with Eggs (1989)

Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Hotchpotch of Curly Kale (1965)

By now we all know that Vincent Price was a beast in the kitchen, yes? You definitely do if you’re a regular DiS1972 reader. His recipes appear on the blog numerous times (including a Wiener Wednesday!). Todays dog dish, Hotchpotch of Curly Kale, is from Vincent and Mary Price’s Treasury of Great Recipes (1965). ItContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Hotchpotch of Curly Kale (1965)

Vincent Price’s Zippy Bloody Mary (1972)

In the early 1970s, Vincent Price was the celebrity spokesperson for Angostura Bitters.  He appeared in a series of print advertisements, each featuring a cocktail or recipe (or both) that includes the herbaceous liquid.  This ad was recently featured on Silver Screen Suppers, Since I have already mixed up his other Bloody Mary recipe, IContinue reading Vincent Price’s Zippy Bloody Mary (1972)

Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Stuffed Frankfurters (1965)

Back by popular demand (and by popular demand, I mean that I just wanted to do it again) It’s WIENER WEDNESDAY!!! To kick of this month of weenies, I thought I’d ease into it with Vincent Price’s Stuffed Frankfurters. For those not in the know, Mary and Vincent Price’s Treasury of Great Recipes is built aroundContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Stuffed Frankfurters (1965)

Murder, She Wrote Cookalong: Thomas Magnum’s Crunchy Tuna Melt

Jenny Hammerton, the author of Cooking with Columbo and Cooking with Joan Crawford, and the mastermind behind Silver Screen Suppers is at it again with the upcoming Murder, She Cooked: a Cabot Cove Cookbook. In anticipation of the book, cooks all across the interwebz were assigned recipes from the cavalcade of celebrity guest stars onContinue reading Murder, She Wrote Cookalong: Thomas Magnum’s Crunchy Tuna Melt

Pieathalon 6: Salvador Dali’s Oasis Leek Pie (1973)

It’s the Pieathalon!!! I cannot believe that I’ve been coordinating this shindig for six whole years. Bravo to me. This year, my assignment comes from Peter over at Vincent Price Legacy UK. Like Vincent Price, Surrealist artist Salvador Dali had a cookbook published in the 1970s. Also like Vincent Price, Dali’s cookbook was published onlyContinue reading Pieathalon 6: Salvador Dali’s Oasis Leek Pie (1973)

#CowboyDayCookalong: Clint Eastwood’s Spaghetti Western (1996)

Happy National Day of the Cowboy! I am once again participating in the Recipes 4 Rebels cookalong. In the past I have featured Jon Voight, and Elvis Presley, but this time I am featuring Clint Eastwood. Eastwood totally qualifies to be featured on Cowboy Day because he got his start on the television show Rawhide.Continue reading #CowboyDayCookalong: Clint Eastwood’s Spaghetti Western (1996)

David Bowie’s Penne Putanesca (1988)

Well, I found another cookbook that I desperately want–the 1998 WMMR RocknRoll Celebrity Cookbook. “I promise you that I do cook myself (as taught to me by my good friend, Francesca Boglione).” Really, David? I don’t see him eating let alone cooking. I mean, According to David Buckley, the author of the book Strange Fascination: David Bowie: TheContinue reading David Bowie’s Penne Putanesca (1988)