For today’s Wiener Wednesday, we have a reader-submitted recipe! Paris B. sent me a selection of Frankfurter Recipes from the 1979 edition of the Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery. I own a set of the 1966 edition–I’m wondering how much they changed in 9 years. The chapter on the humble frank begins as such: FRANKFURTER–FrankfurtersContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frankfurter and Sauerkraut Goulash (1979)
Tag: 1970s
Wiener Wednesday: The Ortega Hotter Dog (1971)
Weiner Wednesdays are back, kittens! For the next four weeks it’s gonna be nothing but WIENERS, WIENER, WIENERS! To kick off Wiener Wednesdays, I present to you the Ortega Hotter Dog. The Hotter Dog is a baked hot dog between a slice of toasted white bread covered with American cheese and a curious green vegetableContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: The Ortega Hotter Dog (1971)
167. Picnic Beef Roll
I’ve been waiting for a good reason to bust out card No. 167 Picnic Beef Roll. And I found the perfect occasion–it’s International Picnic Day! (OK, yesterday was technically International Picnic Day–but I totally forgot to post this. Sue me). Of course I’d want to share this with the world! Look at it! Granted, itContinue reading 167. Picnic Beef Roll
Smirnoff Grapeshot (1973)
It’s another Smirnoff ad! Here’s the original ad: Original text: The Grapeshot (a drink to things past). Remember how you used to race the neighbor kid home from school–and you’d get so thirsty you could drink the whole Mississippi? Then Mom would give you grape juice that left you with a nice purple mustache. WeContinue reading Smirnoff Grapeshot (1973)
211. Florentine Meat Foldovers
With so many of these cards, I do a little internet search as to whether or not the dish exists somewhere outside of the culinary world that is Dinner Is Served. A quick google of “Florentine Meat Foldovers” returns with Steak Florentine, Florentine Spaghetti Bake, and Beef Wellington (!?!?) Aside from the Wellington, I assumeContinue reading 211. Florentine Meat Foldovers
National Liver & Onions Day: 33. Liver a la Gourmet
Happy National Liver & Onions Day! Today we’re going to delve into the archives for the occasion. A version of this post first appeared on the DiS1972 blog August 2, 2012. I decided to make No. 33 for my friend, Claire. Before she arrived, I assembled the Jellied-Lime Cucumber Salad and the Jelly Roll. IContinue reading National Liver & Onions Day: 33. Liver a la Gourmet
Smirnoff Madras (1974)
Here we go again! The Madras (how to do what we couldn’t) People who mean well are always advising us to mix Smirnoff with something it ought to mix with but doesn’t. We’ve got a whole list of promising possibilities that always turn out yukky. Cranberry juice used to be in the number one spot.Continue reading Smirnoff Madras (1974)
Smirnoff Horseshot (1976)
More winter fun from the folks over at Smirnoff! After a long day on the slopes, Alec likes to retire to his chalet with a snow bunny. There’s nothing like an apres-ski Smirnoff Horseshot. The Horseshot has a pleasantly rambunctious edge to it–just like Patty, who suggested they go back to his place and wrestle.Continue reading Smirnoff Horseshot (1976)
Smirnoff Copperhead (1974)
I can’t stop writing these. Version one appeared in Playboy with the following copy: We wondered recently how come we’d mixed Smirnoff with so many fancy juices but studiously avoided plain old gingerale. Maybe because our parents had mixed gingerale with everything, we were rebelling. Anyway, we did it. We mixed Smirnoff and gingerale, added aContinue reading Smirnoff Copperhead (1974)
Smirnoff Bloodhound (1974)
Another Smirnoff cocktail–the Bloodhound! And another block of boring and confusing copy. What’s red, has Smirnoff in it and is served in a tall glass? Think you know? Suppose we add it’s easy to make and it has a nut-like taste instead of a spicy one? Still confident? Well, even we were fooled whenContinue reading Smirnoff Bloodhound (1974)
196. Seafood Fondue
It’s Fun With Fondue Month! In the past I’ve just thrown up my fondue post which features a classic cheese fondue from Better Homes & Gardens Fondue and Table Top Cooking. It also features R. Kelly’s rap melodrama Trapped in the Closet. I refuse to post the youtube video because I don’t want to putContinue reading 196. Seafood Fondue
The Best Bloody Caesar
I was always curious to try a Bloody Caesar, but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen it available in a restaurant. Plus, I have found (in my very scientific research–which includes me talking to about 8 folks) that Clamato, the key ingredient to a Bloody Caesar, scares people. I mean, the idea of clam juiceContinue reading The Best Bloody Caesar
October is National Pork Month!
October is National Pork Month! In honor of the occasion, here’s a retrospective of Dinner Is Served 1972 cards featuring pork chops, ribs, and roasts. What a trip down Memory Lane (Card No. 15 includes an epic dating tale)! (also, I cannot crack the formatting here from copying and pasting. So please ignore it!) 15.Continue reading October is National Pork Month!
135. Coq au Vin
It’s National Red Wine Day! And what says Red Wine more than Coq a Vin? Not much. So that’s what I have for you today. Even though the DiS1972 recipe doesn’t call for Burgundy specifically, I did a little research and discovered that Coq a Vin is traditionally made with Burgundy. Hence, I made aContinue reading 135. Coq au Vin
179. Chicken Marengo
Before I get to 179. Chicken Marengo, I need to tell you about my new daily routine. It’s a life-changer. It’s called: I’ll Tell You How I’m Sleeping–Not Well Bitch! This is how it works: Phase I Fall asleep (typically with the lights and tv on and still wearing glasses) Have significant other wake youContinue reading 179. Chicken Marengo
The Smirnoff Smokey Mary (1977)
I am living for the Smirnoff Vodka magazine ads from the 1970s. Today’s drink is The Smokey Mary. We never dreamed when we first launched the Smirnoff Bloody Mary it would become a global classic. That doesn’t mean, however, that most folks know how to make a really good one, or even care to bother.Continue reading The Smirnoff Smokey Mary (1977)
Pieathalon 8: Mahogany Pie (1978)
Welcome to the 8th Annual Pieathalon! You all know the deal–the Pieathletes send me pre-1990 pie recipes and I randomly assign them to another Pieathlete. We make ’em! Then share ’em! My assignment is courtesy of Dr. Bobb of Dr. Bobb’s Kitschen. He submitted two different recipes and this is the one I chose, fromContinue reading Pieathalon 8: Mahogany Pie (1978)
Wiener Wednesday: Mexican Franks & Eggs (1965) and Montezuma Bloody Maria (1974)
We’ve come to the end of the Summer of Franks! And let me tell you, it couldn’t come soon enough. Bring on fall! And bring on dishes that don’t include cylindrical-shaped foods! For the very last Wiener Wednesday, I turned to Click Americana and One-Dish Frankfurter Meals. I was feeling a little spicy, so IContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Mexican Franks & Eggs (1965) and Montezuma Bloody Maria (1974)