Vincent Price’s Zippy Bloody Mary (1972)

In the early 1970s, Vincent Price was the celebrity spokesperson for Angostura Bitters.  He appeared in a series of print advertisements, each featuring a cocktail or recipe (or both) that includes the herbaceous liquid.  This ad was recently featured on Silver Screen Suppers, Since I have already mixed up his other Bloody Mary recipe, IContinue reading Vincent Price’s Zippy Bloody Mary (1972)

Benson & Hedges Entertaining With Style: Crab Imperial Chesapeake (1980)

This is a continuation of my last post, in which I featured  Crab Imperial from Maryland Seafood Contemporary Cuisine (1982) . Here’s an alternate recipe from Benson & Hedges Presents Entertaining With Style: Recipes from Great American Restaurants. I chose this recipe because it is from the famous  Cheseapeake Restaurant in Baltimore. HISTORY LESSON! TheContinue reading Benson & Hedges Entertaining With Style: Crab Imperial Chesapeake (1980)

James Beard’s Poulet aux Quarante Morceaux de l’Ail (1976)

Because of the kindness of friends, I own both Benson & Hedges 100s presents Drink Recipes from 100 of the World’s Greatest Bars (1979)–Thank you, DIllon! and Benson & Hedges presents Entertaining With Style–Recipes from Great American Restaurants (1980)–Thank you, Jacko! I have become enamored with these cookbooks for two main reasons– their very unconventionalContinue reading James Beard’s Poulet aux Quarante Morceaux de l’Ail (1976)

Marguerite Patten’s Sherry Tomato Cocktail (1974)

Another Bloody Mary? Yes, please! This recipe is from Woman’s Own 365 Menu Cookbook by Marguerite Patten (1974) Marguerite Patten’s Sherry Tomato Cocktail Flavour canned or bottled tomato juice with 1 to 2 tablespoons sherry and a little Worcestershire sauce. Serve cold in cocktail glasses. OK, I know what you are thinking–this isn’t a trueContinue reading Marguerite Patten’s Sherry Tomato Cocktail (1974)

The Coach House Mushrooms a la Grecque (1980)

Today’s dish is from Benson & Hedges Presents Entertaining with Style, Recipes from Great American Restaurants. I love this cookbook because, like the Campbell’s Great Restaurants Cookbook, USA, so many of the restaurants no longer exist. It’s a little glimpse into the past and gives me a reason to do a little internet sleuthing–which I doContinue reading The Coach House Mushrooms a la Grecque (1980)