Wiener Wednesday: The Frank Sinatra (1975)

Welcome to Wiener Wednesday! This week’s recipe comes from an October 1975 issue of Seventeen Magazine.   IT’S DOG EAT DOG! Partytime or anytime, serve America’s under-the-umbrella favorite in an irresistible  round-about way: Slash frankfurters along one side, broil, and place on a hamburger bun. Fill the center with taste-tempting delights like the ones shownContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: The Frank Sinatra (1975)

Wiener Wednesday: Kaukauna Klub Frankfurter Cheese Boats (1954)

Happy Wiener Wednesday! This week I’m taking a stab at Frankfurter Cheese Boats! I chose this recipe because the ad promises me “a boat load of good eating!” “Hot Dog,” you’ll say, “I’m glad we made ’em with Kaukauna Klub” To bring you distinctively flavored Kaukauna Klub, we take the finest of natural cheddar cheeseContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Kaukauna Klub Frankfurter Cheese Boats (1954)

Wiener Wednesday: Mexican Franks & Eggs (1965) and Montezuma Bloody Maria (1974)

We’ve come to the end of the Summer of Franks! And let me tell you, it couldn’t come soon enough. Bring on fall! And bring on dishes that don’t include cylindrical-shaped foods! For the very last Wiener Wednesday, I turned to Click Americana and One-Dish Frankfurter Meals. I was feeling a little spicy, so IContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Mexican Franks & Eggs (1965) and Montezuma Bloody Maria (1974)

Cocktails and Snacks: Frankfurter Rolls & Cocktail Cheese Mold (1953)

Last night Mr. Sauce, Esq. and I watched the new Netflix movie Deadly Illusions starring Kristin Davis (a.k.a. Charlotte York from Sex and the City). It’s a doozy. Plot: Charlotte York is a famous novelist who is about to start her new book. To free up time she hires a nanny (played by Frasier Crane’sContinue reading Cocktails and Snacks: Frankfurter Rolls & Cocktail Cheese Mold (1953)

The Joys of Chinese Cooking: Sweet & Sour Pork and Bamboo Shoots with Spinach and Mushrooms (1982)

Happy Lunar New Year! It’s the Year of the Ox! I wasn’t planning on having some Asian cuisine on the blog for the holiday, but I had this dinner in the queue, so here we are. These recipes are from The Joy of Chinese Cooking by Lo Mei Hing, Giulia Marzotto Caotorta and Sun TziContinue reading The Joys of Chinese Cooking: Sweet & Sour Pork and Bamboo Shoots with Spinach and Mushrooms (1982)

Cooking With Astrology: Omarr & Roy Entertain an Aquarian (1969)

What’s the formula for a superb dinner party? Choosing your guests and your food with care and savoir faire. Who can guide you in achieving this delicate balance? Astrologist Sydney Omarr can tell you who will give you the pleasantest companionship by consulting the stars. Radio/TV Food Consultant Mike Roy can supply menus and recipesContinue reading Cooking With Astrology: Omarr & Roy Entertain an Aquarian (1969)