So, almost one month later, I decided to try to re-make my Chopped appetizer—same ingredients and same time frame. In case you forgot—the ingredients were pork chops, apple sauce, frozen mixed vegetables, and cheese ball. This is was my television result: For the re-do the only thing I had to buy was the pork.Continue reading Re-Chopped: Polynesian Pork & Pineapple Skewer with Applesauce Puree
Tag: cheese
Pieathalon 6: Salvador Dali’s Oasis Leek Pie (1973)
It’s the Pieathalon!!! I cannot believe that I’ve been coordinating this shindig for six whole years. Bravo to me. This year, my assignment comes from Peter over at Vincent Price Legacy UK. Like Vincent Price, Surrealist artist Salvador Dali had a cookbook published in the 1970s. Also like Vincent Price, Dali’s cookbook was published onlyContinue reading Pieathalon 6: Salvador Dali’s Oasis Leek Pie (1973)
Wiener Wednesday: Chili Dog Bread Ring
This is the dish that you chose as the grand finale of this Wiener Wednesday revival! This recipe was sent to me by Mr. Sauce, Esq.’s mom. She will henceforth be known as Mother Sauce. Once Mother Sauce found out that I was a hot dog enthusiast, she started emailing me frankfurter recipes and thisContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Chili Dog Bread Ring
Wiener Wednesday: Frankfurters with Macaroni and Cheese(1966)
Happy Wiener Wednesday! This week, Mr. Sauce, Esq. chose the frankfurters, which explains why this week’s selection is a little bit on the safe side. Sometimes you don’t want to go all crazy and make a Jellied Hot Dog Loaf or some other insane dog dish, amiright? So here is a nice and easy weenieContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frankfurters with Macaroni and Cheese(1966)
Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Rolls With Crispy-Fried Onion Rings (1975)
It’s back, kittens! By popular demand, every Wednesday will be a Wiener Wednesday until July 23rd, which is National Hot Dog Day. (Apparently there are multiple National Hot Dog Days, but I’m gonna go with the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council and celebrate on the 23rd). I have some real humdingers in the pipelineContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Rolls With Crispy-Fried Onion Rings (1975)
Gwen Verdon & Bob Fosse’s Mexican Breakfast
Tonight is the finale of the FX mini-series Fosse/Verdon and I wanted to mark the occasion–as I tend to do with television shows (see: X-Files and Twin Peaks). I’d love the show just for the dance numbers, but GIVE JEN LINDLEY ALL OF THE AWARDS RIGHT NOW! I really should have cooked for the entireContinue reading Gwen Verdon & Bob Fosse’s Mexican Breakfast
BH&G Barbecue Book: Blue Cheese Slaw (1967)
So, is everyone else already over summer or is it just me? No? You summer-lovers are a mystery to me. I am NOT a fan of the season. Sun. Heat. Sweat. Bugs. It’s been in the mid 90s for almost a week and it looks like there’s no end in sight. I hate it. IContinue reading BH&G Barbecue Book: Blue Cheese Slaw (1967)
The Potters’ Guild of Baltimore Cookbook Taco Dip
So last week I started watching The Wire with Mr. Sauce. I was hesitant to watch it for so long because: Baltimore. But I figured that after 8 years, I should finally watch it. It took me a few eps, but now I’m in it to win it. I think this scene sealed the dealContinue reading The Potters’ Guild of Baltimore Cookbook Taco Dip
Happy National Grilled Cheese Day!
This card is from the 1973 series, and originally appeared on the blog on March 14, 2017. I am sharing this not just because April 12 is National Grilled Cheese Day, but because there is a GIANT update to this post. I lived in my row house at the time and had battened down theContinue reading Happy National Grilled Cheese Day!
Canada Box: St. Huber Poutine Gravy Mix
It’s time for some Poutine! This is one of those dishes that I knew about for so long but had never given it a whirl. And to be honest, I don’t know if I had ever tried it before. So when I made this one weeknight evening, I not only got to introduce Poutine toContinue reading Canada Box: St. Huber Poutine Gravy Mix
Twin Peaks Eats: Jerry Horne’s Legendary Smoked Cheese Pig
Tonight is the finale of Twin Peaks: The Return. And I am super-stoked, but also extra tired because I just spent the last two days making smoked cheese pigs and then editing a video about them. Please, check ’em out. Make it worth it for me. (although they are tasty and I did cold-smoke inContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Jerry Horne’s Legendary Smoked Cheese Pig
124. Macaroni, Tomato and Cheese Bake (1973) ft. Elvis’ Rice Pudding
It’s the end of summer, but it’s the return of Dinner is Served 1972! Yeah, I’ve been neglecting the blog, life just got in the way, know what I mean? As you may have noticed, there are new ads on the site, but for good reason–I want to make some cash off this puppy! AndContinue reading 124. Macaroni, Tomato and Cheese Bake (1973) ft. Elvis’ Rice Pudding
Twin Peaks Eats: Jerry’s Baguette With Brie & Butter
In 2014, in anticipation of the Blu-ray release of Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery, I did a series of Peaks-themed posts. Back then, the idea of David Lynch and Mark Frost returning with a third season of the show was…well, unthinkable. But here we are! Starting with the premiere of season 3 on Showtime onContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Jerry’s Baguette With Brie & Butter
128. Toasted Tuna Sandwiches
We’re gonna keep on keepin’ on with another selection from the Dinner is Served! 1973 series! And it’s one that, if you were snowed in your house today, you most likely have all of the necessary ingredients on hand. Especially if you’re one of those folks who hit the grocery store at the slightest hintContinue reading 128. Toasted Tuna Sandwiches
Broccoli Cheese Soup (1985)
If you have been reading my blog for a while, you might remember that I love produce grab bags. As in you get a box or bag and it’s just random stuff. In the past I’ve done Arganica, Relay Food and Hungry Harvest. I liked them all, but these were all really expensive, even HungryContinue reading Broccoli Cheese Soup (1985)
71. Seafood Crepes
The march to the end of DiS! 1972 continues with 71. Seafood Crepes. And it is a march because I want to get all of these done by March 1st and I am rather without inspiration. And I have no stories (dating or otherwise) to tell. But it is National Drink Wine Day! LET’S PARTY!!!Continue reading 71. Seafood Crepes
Christmas Parade Party Buffet!
A Christmas post, kittens! This year I had a party for the Christmas parade because it goes through my neighborhood. ALL THREE HOURS OF IT. I shit you not. It was like the Macy’s Day parade. But with meth addicts and Tea Party floats. Look! There were actual balloons! And basically every marching band in Maryland.Continue reading Christmas Parade Party Buffet!
Velveeta South of the Border Dip
Hello, darlings. I threw myself a big birthday party! And I made a ton of dishes from my cookbook collection for the occasion. It was a hefty spread and I am looking forward to sharing them with you. But I guess I wasn’t looking forward to it that much because I’m an Aquarius. That meansContinue reading Velveeta South of the Border Dip