Robert Carrier’s Menu Planner: Iced Tomato Vodka, Steak au Poivre & Blueberry and Caramel Cream (1984)

To close out National Cookbook Month, I present to you Robert Carrier’s Menu Planner. I know very little about Robert Carrier. Although he is American born and raised he found fame in Europe. I had never heard of him growing up. This cookbook is rather fun. It’s huge. (it weighs nearly 5 pounds) contains 300Continue reading Robert Carrier’s Menu Planner: Iced Tomato Vodka, Steak au Poivre & Blueberry and Caramel Cream (1984)

PIEATHALON 7: Betty Crocker’s Sombrero Pie (1971)

Hello! Welcome to Pieathalon 2020: The Seventh Pieathalon! Quick explanation of the Pieathalon for those of you who are virgins: The Pieathalon is a virtual pie party where bloggers from across the globe join to make pies of the past. Basically, each blogger submits a pre-1985 pie recipe, which are then randomly assigned to anotherContinue reading PIEATHALON 7: Betty Crocker’s Sombrero Pie (1971)

The Lost Family Virtual Dinner Party ft. 158. Beef Wellington

Welcome to The Lost Family Virtual Supper Club! I am so happy to be one of the bloggers invited to celebrate the release of Jenna Blum’s latest novel, The Lost Family with a cookalong! The book is a saga which revolves around Auschwitz survivor and restauranteur Peter Rashkin, his glamourous young wife, June, and their daughter Elsbeth.Continue reading The Lost Family Virtual Dinner Party ft. 158. Beef Wellington