The Gran Centurions’ L’Amore Della Cucina: Pepperoni Bread (1990)

I love pepperoni rolls. I loved selling them door to door to raise money for my high school marching band, and I have fond memories of Uncle Dave bringing a giant platter of rolls to our Christmas Eve celebrations. They make excellent pepperoni rolls at the Bella Roma Italian Deli in Colonia, NJ. And, althoughContinue reading The Gran Centurions’ L’Amore Della Cucina: Pepperoni Bread (1990)

The Coach House Black Bean Soup & Corn Sticks (1982)

I love vintage cookbooks, but my favorite genre may be “Recipes from Restaurants That Aren’t There Anymore.” So I immediately bought a copy of Favorite Restaurant Recipes: 500 Unforgettable Dishes from the R.S.V.P. Column of Bon Appetit (1982) when it first popped on my radar. For the R.S.V.P. Column, readers would request recipes from theirContinue reading The Coach House Black Bean Soup & Corn Sticks (1982)

Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cookbook: Lincoln’s Log (1973)

I was recently going through old photos; came across the photo below and said to myself, “what the fuck is that?” It took me a moment but I remembered what the fuck it was–Lincoln’s Log from Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cook Book (1973).*** After I found the photos, I took to the old draft folder andContinue reading Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cookbook: Lincoln’s Log (1973)

Blends Bash 2021: Irish Halloween Bread & Irish Coffee (1966)

It’s Blends Bash! (If you don’t know what that is, the lovely folks at The Book Club Cookbook send out samples of their spice blends–all inspired by television shows, movies, and songs–to special bloggers like me. And then we go all creative with them). Today I am bringing to you a recipe that features theirContinue reading Blends Bash 2021: Irish Halloween Bread & Irish Coffee (1966)

Cooking With Astrology: Omarr & Roy Entertain an Aquarian (1969)

What’s the formula for a superb dinner party? Choosing your guests and your food with care and savoir faire. Who can guide you in achieving this delicate balance? Astrologist Sydney Omarr can tell you who will give you the pleasantest companionship by consulting the stars. Radio/TV Food Consultant Mike Roy can supply menus and recipesContinue reading Cooking With Astrology: Omarr & Roy Entertain an Aquarian (1969)

PIEATHALON 7: Betty Crocker’s Sombrero Pie (1971)

Hello! Welcome to Pieathalon 2020: The Seventh Pieathalon! Quick explanation of the Pieathalon for those of you who are virgins: The Pieathalon is a virtual pie party where bloggers from across the globe join to make pies of the past. Basically, each blogger submits a pre-1985 pie recipe, which are then randomly assigned to anotherContinue reading PIEATHALON 7: Betty Crocker’s Sombrero Pie (1971)

PIEATHALON 4: Betty Crocker’s Chicken-Sausage Pies (1965)

DO YOU KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS? IT’S PIEATHALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! Yes, for the 4th year my food blogger friends and I exchanged pie recipes and got baking! (click here to see pies of years past) Except I didn’t exchange recipes. There was a mix up with people being left off and then dropped out and thenContinue reading PIEATHALON 4: Betty Crocker’s Chicken-Sausage Pies (1965)