Full disclosure: I made this dish literally one year ago. No lie. 3/11/24 is scribbled at the top of my notes. Thankfully, I took notes. Otherwise, I’d have absolutely nothing to say. The goal was for DiS at 7:15. I assembled the beef patties the night before. At 5:30, I started the bread pudding. IContinue reading 212. Teriyaki Beef in Bacon
Category: Uncategorized
2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection: Mocha Mint (1977)
It’s National Chocolate Mint Day! At least, according to one of the many “National Day” or “National Food Holiday” websites. I should probably pick one and stick to it. My reference used to be Foodimentary. But the site no longer exists. Oh, there’s a book! *1 minute later* OK, I just bought the book. It’llContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection: Mocha Mint (1977)
Snow Day Bloody Marys (Hemingway and Doritos)
It’s a snow day in Baltimore and that means one thing–a post about cocktails! Full disclosure: I wanted to share these before New Year’s Day, but I’m lazy. And distracted. And lazy. Let’s be honest. I’m just really, really lazy. But better late than never, right? These two new Bloody Marys are the result ofContinue reading Snow Day Bloody Marys (Hemingway and Doritos)
152. Italian Pork Chops
As we all know, I’ve been away from the blog for quite a while. So, naturally, I’m a little rusty. But I didn’t know how rusty until I finished No. 152 and looked back to my notes: That is literally “all she wrote.” I abandoned it before I even started it. But I didn’t necessarilyContinue reading 152. Italian Pork Chops
The Smirnoff Bedroom Brunch (1971)
Yes, I am well aware that I just posted the Easter Brunch. This, however, is a different kind of brunch. A brunch for two. A private brunch. A bedroom brunch. I was inspired to bust out this brunch because of the inclusion of the Bloody Bullshot–a variation of the questionable beef-based libation called the Bullshot,Continue reading The Smirnoff Bedroom Brunch (1971)
166. Greek Lamb Stew
Now, if you you’re thinking–hey now, didn’t you already make the Greek Lamb Stew card? Well I did. But that was card 156. This is card 166. Greek Lamb Stew NOT in Eggplant Boats. Missing eggplant boats aside, the difference between the two seems to be black olives vs. okra/green beans and elbow macaroni. So,Continue reading 166. Greek Lamb Stew
Smirnoff Peppermint Martini (1972)
The Peppermint Martini (an interim idea). Somebody once said, “if the perfect martini is ever created, it won’t be a martini.” Until now, two things stood between the martini and perfection: Gin and Vermouth. Substitute Smirnoff for gin and you’re halfway home. But what can you substitute for vermouth? We haven’t found it yet, butContinue reading Smirnoff Peppermint Martini (1972)
BLENDS BASH 2022: Shrimp with Red New Orleans Sauce (1960)
Hello and welcome to Blends Bash 2022, hosted by the lovely folks at The Book Club Cook Book. Every year they send out some of their delicious spice blends to bloggers like myself who experiment and then share the results with you! This year I was assigned 3 different spice blends to play with. ThisContinue reading BLENDS BASH 2022: Shrimp with Red New Orleans Sauce (1960)
156. Greek Lamb Stew in Baked Eggplant Boat
It’s National Gyro Day! Sadly, I do not have a gyro to share with you, but I do have Greek Lamb. In a boat. That’s not too far off, right? Whatever. Just roll with me. So it would be remiss of me not to mention that I made this dinner in March of 2021. Yes,Continue reading 156. Greek Lamb Stew in Baked Eggplant Boat
The Presley Family Cookbook: Elvis’ Green Eagle Dish with Eggs (1989)
Elvis died 45 years ago today at age 42. FORTY-TWO. Wrap your head around that. It’s wild to think that if he didn’t pass back in 1977, today he’d be 87. He could conceivably still be recording and performing*** Look at Tony Bennett, he was duetting with Lady Gaga up until 95! Randomly placing thisContinue reading The Presley Family Cookbook: Elvis’ Green Eagle Dish with Eggs (1989)
Wiener Wednesday: Kaukauna Klub Frankfurter Cheese Boats (1954)
Happy Wiener Wednesday! This week I’m taking a stab at Frankfurter Cheese Boats! I chose this recipe because the ad promises me “a boat load of good eating!” “Hot Dog,” you’ll say, “I’m glad we made ’em with Kaukauna Klub” To bring you distinctively flavored Kaukauna Klub, we take the finest of natural cheddar cheeseContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Kaukauna Klub Frankfurter Cheese Boats (1954)
167. Picnic Beef Roll
I’ve been waiting for a good reason to bust out card No. 167 Picnic Beef Roll. And I found the perfect occasion–it’s International Picnic Day! (OK, yesterday was technically International Picnic Day–but I totally forgot to post this. Sue me). Of course I’d want to share this with the world! Look at it! Granted, itContinue reading 167. Picnic Beef Roll
211. Florentine Meat Foldovers
With so many of these cards, I do a little internet search as to whether or not the dish exists somewhere outside of the culinary world that is Dinner Is Served. A quick google of “Florentine Meat Foldovers” returns with Steak Florentine, Florentine Spaghetti Bake, and Beef Wellington (!?!?) Aside from the Wellington, I assumeContinue reading 211. Florentine Meat Foldovers
Smirnoff Madras (1974)
Here we go again! The Madras (how to do what we couldn’t) People who mean well are always advising us to mix Smirnoff with something it ought to mix with but doesn’t. We’ve got a whole list of promising possibilities that always turn out yukky. Cranberry juice used to be in the number one spot.Continue reading Smirnoff Madras (1974)
The Smirnoff Smokey Mary (1977)
I am living for the Smirnoff Vodka magazine ads from the 1970s. Today’s drink is The Smokey Mary. We never dreamed when we first launched the Smirnoff Bloody Mary it would become a global classic. That doesn’t mean, however, that most folks know how to make a really good one, or even care to bother.Continue reading The Smirnoff Smokey Mary (1977)
Pieathalon 8: Mahogany Pie (1978)
Welcome to the 8th Annual Pieathalon! You all know the deal–the Pieathletes send me pre-1990 pie recipes and I randomly assign them to another Pieathlete. We make ’em! Then share ’em! My assignment is courtesy of Dr. Bobb of Dr. Bobb’s Kitschen. He submitted two different recipes and this is the one I chose, fromContinue reading Pieathalon 8: Mahogany Pie (1978)
Wiener Wednesday: Pig in a Poke (1963)
Welcome to Wiener Wednesday! Time for another delightfully named hot dog dish, Pig-in-a-Poke! This recipe is from Better Homes & Gardens Barbecues and Picnics (1963). Do you know what a pig in a poke is? I didn’t know what a pig in a poke is, so I took to the internets. A pig in a poke isContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Pig in a Poke (1963)
Wiener Wednesday: Frosted Franks
Today’s recipe, Frosted Franks, was submitted by DiS1972 reader Diana. I applaud her for finding it. Ah, Frosted Franks! A sane person may imagine that Frosted Franks is much like 174. Frosted Meatloaf–a little meat wrapped in mashies: That sane person would be wrong. Very wrong. I am sure that you’ve seen this recipe floatingContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frosted Franks