Holly Ball 2019: New Orleans Style Artichoke Balls

  Holly Ball 2019 rolls on! This recipe is a selection from Executive Women…New Orleans Style. I picked it up at a super-fabulous culinary bookshop called Kitchen Witch, which, sadly, closed not long after my visit.  I don’t know anything in particular about this book except that New Orleans has an Executive Women International chapter.Continue reading Holly Ball 2019: New Orleans Style Artichoke Balls

Vincent Price’s Zippy Bloody Mary (1972)

In the early 1970s, Vincent Price was the celebrity spokesperson for Angostura Bitters.  He appeared in a series of print advertisements, each featuring a cocktail or recipe (or both) that includes the herbaceous liquid.  This ad was recently featured on Silver Screen Suppers, Since I have already mixed up his other Bloody Mary recipe, IContinue reading Vincent Price’s Zippy Bloody Mary (1972)

Benson & Hedges Entertaining With Style: Crab Imperial Chesapeake (1980)

This is a continuation of my last post, in which I featured  Crab Imperial from Maryland Seafood Contemporary Cuisine (1982) . Here’s an alternate recipe from Benson & Hedges Presents Entertaining With Style: Recipes from Great American Restaurants. I chose this recipe because it is from the famous  Cheseapeake Restaurant in Baltimore. HISTORY LESSON! TheContinue reading Benson & Hedges Entertaining With Style: Crab Imperial Chesapeake (1980)