I know that I start so many of my posts with “sorry I haven’t posted in so long, but…[insert reason here]. But I don’t particularly have a reason this time. None. I can’t even come up with one. This made me think of my friend Richard. He has always told me that I’m an nihilist.Continue reading 144. Macaroni-Beef Topsy Turvy
Category: 1970s
122. Hash Squash Bake
OMG. Can it be? Can it really be? Can it be FALL?*** It sure feels like autumn this weekend–although I am skeptical that it’s going to stick around. I mean, it was 90+ degrees less than a week ago. But regardless, I am going to say that it IS fall! And how should I welcomeContinue reading 122. Hash Squash Bake
Pieathalon 6: Salvador Dali’s Oasis Leek Pie (1973)
It’s the Pieathalon!!! I cannot believe that I’ve been coordinating this shindig for six whole years. Bravo to me. This year, my assignment comes from Peter over at Vincent Price Legacy UK. Like Vincent Price, Surrealist artist Salvador Dali had a cookbook published in the 1970s. Also like Vincent Price, Dali’s cookbook was published onlyContinue reading Pieathalon 6: Salvador Dali’s Oasis Leek Pie (1973)
Wiener Wednesday: Kraut & Frankfurter Plank Dinner (1971)
This is from THE MEATS COOKBOOK from Southern Living Magazine. I’ve been holding onto this one for a while, just waiting for the best moment to break it out. Look at the cover and you can see why. Quick background–my former co-worker Valerie gave this to me. I do not know to whom in herContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Kraut & Frankfurter Plank Dinner (1971)
Wiener Wednesday: Stuffed Broiled Frankfurters
It’s another Wiener Wednesday! Today we go back to the year 1966 and the Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery. Vol. 5 This volume includes and entire Frankfurter Cookbook. The Frankfurter is indeed very versatile, Woman’s Day magazine. I concur! It is the applesauce here that caught my eye. How could it not? Look at thatContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Stuffed Broiled Frankfurters
Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Rolls With Crispy-Fried Onion Rings (1975)
It’s back, kittens! By popular demand, every Wednesday will be a Wiener Wednesday until July 23rd, which is National Hot Dog Day. (Apparently there are multiple National Hot Dog Days, but I’m gonna go with the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council and celebrate on the 23rd). I have some real humdingers in the pipelineContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Rolls With Crispy-Fried Onion Rings (1975)
Happy Birthday Cher!!!!
In past years, in celebration of all things Cher, I cher’d (yes, you can smack me later) her Hawaiian Meatballs. But first, let’s just turn back time (yeah, I went there) 2 years ago and relive my mother losing her goddamned mind when we saw “Classic Cher” at the MGM Grand in National Harbor: ThisContinue reading Happy Birthday Cher!!!!
Australian Cooking for Today (1977): Lamb Curry
Hello, yinz guys! Happy Belated Easter! My parents made the trip down to Baltimore for the holiday and on Sunday I made a big, French-inspired, Easter dinner featuring a roast leg of lamb. I will give you the run down of my French Spring Feast soon, but first I’m gonna share with you Lamb Curry.Continue reading Australian Cooking for Today (1977): Lamb Curry
184. Wine-Glazed Cornish Hens
Happy spring! I have another Dinner is Served dinner! I chose No. 184 because Mr. Sauce had a couple of his friends over for dinner. When he invites his friends over, I tend to make “safer” dinners. I’ll make my friends eat kidneys and milk chicken, but I don’t want to do that to hisContinue reading 184. Wine-Glazed Cornish Hens
Mardi Gras Milk Punch
Happy Mardi Gras! I do not go out for Mardi Gras because it is one of the high holy of drinking days–with St. Patrick’s Day, New Year’s Eve, Cinco de Mayo, and the Day before Thanksgiving because that’s when the amateurs are out. As you know, I went pro many years ago. So, since IContinue reading Mardi Gras Milk Punch
159. Turkey Wings in Dill Sauce
Well, kittens, here I am again at jury duty! Goddamned Baltimore City gets me every year. Back in 2013 I picked up a guy at jury duty. I wrote about it (and some Veal Parmigiana) I tell the story about how I went out with him only once because he was too young for me. IContinue reading 159. Turkey Wings in Dill Sauce
Holly Ball 2018
It’s the last post of 2018! Earlier this month I had a Christmas party! Yes, Mr. Sauce and I decided to join forces and have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tapdanced with Danny Fucking Kaye. OK, it wasn’t that. But it was our first co-party and it was a swinging shindig–with a theme–BALLS! Yes,Continue reading Holly Ball 2018
185. Eggs Benedict
I know I am in the minority when I say that I love “falling back.” I love the fact that I woke up refreshed and am writing this before 8am on a beautiful, sunny, blue-skied Sunday morning. It doesn’t bother me that the days get longer. It getting darker earlier makes me want to goContinue reading 185. Eggs Benedict
BH&G Meat Cook Book: Lamb Shanks (1971)
I’ve had a hard time wanting to write lately because I don’t want to do much of anything. Maybe because I have been tending to a sick cat all summer. Brian is perpetually congested. He has lost weight and, before his newest antibiotic, his face was covered in snot of many colors. His incessant wheezingContinue reading BH&G Meat Cook Book: Lamb Shanks (1971)
151. Baked Stuffed Redsnapper Fillets
Now, after the fever dream that was 197. Pork Chops and Scalloped Potatoes, I present a more conventional post–one that a revolves around the act of cooking and the food. I even took detailed, time-stamped notes like I used to back in the day. Speaking of back in the day, I made this so long agoContinue reading 151. Baked Stuffed Redsnapper Fillets
197. Pork Chops and Scalloped Potatoes
Sooooooo, sometimes I will half-write a post, put it in my draft folder, and return to it at a much later date. This is definitely one of those instances. Yesterday I opened this post and had no idea what the hell I was reading. Turns out that what I discovered may be the greatest stream-of-consciousness/free-verseContinue reading 197. Pork Chops and Scalloped Potatoes
That Cosmopolitan Man, Burt Reynolds
So I’ve been temporarily banned from Facebook because I shared the iconic Burt Reynolds’ 1972 Cosmopolitan spread. The photo apparently violates Facebook’s policy on nudity and sexuality. The same exact photo that has appeared on the Dinner is Served 1972 Facebook page multiple times over the past seven years. You all know it. Because itContinue reading That Cosmopolitan Man, Burt Reynolds
188. Mediterranean Salad (BOOM!)
This is a perfect meal for summer weather–because the most cooking that it calls for is the boiling of some eggs and potatoes (you could just buy those tiny canned potatoes). This is also the perfect meal for me to talk about the a movie I just watched–1968’s BOOM! starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. AndContinue reading 188. Mediterranean Salad (BOOM!)