178. Calico Stuffed Peppers

FUN FACT: as of June 30 I am unemployed.

Yeah, only 2 weeks into the job they sent us to work remotely, and then 2 months later they decided to shutter the school. Permanently.

So here I am, shit out of luck.

Mr. Sauce, Esq. said that I had jinxed myself with the  “I hate my job post,” but I really don’t think that the “Cosmic Powers That Be” are going to close a school that has been open for almost 175 years because I put that out into the universe.  My blog is not on Karma’s reading list.

The whole situation is very unfortunate and sad. But it’s hard for me to be sad because I was there for only two weeks.

It’s like going to the funeral of a distant relative that you maybe met once when you were 10.  Or being the Plus One to a wedding and you don’t know a single other person.  Everyone is feeling all the feelings and I’m over in the corner not feeling all the feelings. I’m just kinda awkward, annoyed, and bored.

Man, this whole Corona thing has really unleashed my ability to give no fucks. I mean, my Bucket of Fucks™ was almost empty before all of this and now that I can’t control anything that happens outside of my apartment…

OK, I do care deeply about Bravo programming.

Jesus take the wheel!–I will be over here with a glass of Pinot Grigio and a block of cheese. Call me when we’re allowed to go to the bars again or if you know of a good job opening.

There isn’t much to say about No. 178. It took 50 minutes to do. I skipped all of the sides (totes blaming the pandemic for not doing the whole thing).

It wasn’t bad. No regrets. And I’m happy with my recreation photo!



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6 thoughts on “178. Calico Stuffed Peppers

  1. For some reason, I completely missed this post. In any case, I’m really sorry about your job. It’s a crappy time and things like this just seem like the crap-cherry on top of the crap sundae. I really hope you find something you really enjoy soon. Hang in there!

  2. I know you’ll get a better job! I get the not feeling anything, I’ve actually felt bad for being so numb.

  3. So sorrry to hear about your job. Take care and hope you find something else (better) soon.
    PS The peppers look great! xx

  4. I’m so sorry about the loss of your job 🙁

    Thank you for posting this recipe today— I was just about to look up a stuffed pepper recipe to use up the 3 bell peppers I harvested today 🙂 Will be subbing with our venison (ground, mixed with beef fat).

    Hope a new job opportunity arises soon!

  5. Major crap-on-a-cracker about the job. Wishing you an endless supply of EtOH (of the potable variety) and cheese as you go through all this. As a retired teacher, I’m bummed when a school that has been successful for so long has to close. These are craptastic times we’re living in.

    Glad you enjoyed the peppers. I like your recreation photo. The orig makes me think of the Dansk Kobenstyle turquoise casserole that I inherited from my mom. Still a cool pot after almost 60 years of use.

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