In the words of Mrs. Kasha Davis: THERE’S ALWAYS TIME FOR A COCKTAIL! So here we have another cocktail courtesy of whoever did the advertising for Smirnoff in the 1970s. Here’s the original text for The Sunstroke: The Sunstroke (Sometimes less is more) For a long time we clung to the notion that longer daysContinue reading Smirnoff Sunstroke (1974)
Tag: vintage cocktails
Smirnoff Grapeshot (1973)
It’s another Smirnoff ad! Here’s the original ad: Original text: The Grapeshot (a drink to things past). Remember how you used to race the neighbor kid home from school–and you’d get so thirsty you could drink the whole Mississippi? Then Mom would give you grape juice that left you with a nice purple mustache. WeContinue reading Smirnoff Grapeshot (1973)
Smirnoff Madras (1974)
Here we go again! The Madras (how to do what we couldn’t) People who mean well are always advising us to mix Smirnoff with something it ought to mix with but doesn’t. We’ve got a whole list of promising possibilities that always turn out yukky. Cranberry juice used to be in the number one spot.Continue reading Smirnoff Madras (1974)
Smirnoff Horseshot (1976)
More winter fun from the folks over at Smirnoff! After a long day on the slopes, Alec likes to retire to his chalet with a snow bunny. There’s nothing like an apres-ski Smirnoff Horseshot. The Horseshot has a pleasantly rambunctious edge to it–just like Patty, who suggested they go back to his place and wrestle.Continue reading Smirnoff Horseshot (1976)
Smirnoff Copperhead (1974)
I can’t stop writing these. Version one appeared in Playboy with the following copy: We wondered recently how come we’d mixed Smirnoff with so many fancy juices but studiously avoided plain old gingerale. Maybe because our parents had mixed gingerale with everything, we were rebelling. Anyway, we did it. We mixed Smirnoff and gingerale, added aContinue reading Smirnoff Copperhead (1974)
Smirnoff Bloodhound (1974)
Another Smirnoff cocktail–the Bloodhound! And another block of boring and confusing copy. What’s red, has Smirnoff in it and is served in a tall glass? Think you know? Suppose we add it’s easy to make and it has a nut-like taste instead of a spicy one? Still confident? Well, even we were fooled whenContinue reading Smirnoff Bloodhound (1974)
The Best Bloody Caesar
I was always curious to try a Bloody Caesar, but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen it available in a restaurant. Plus, I have found (in my very scientific research–which includes me talking to about 8 folks) that Clamato, the key ingredient to a Bloody Caesar, scares people. I mean, the idea of clam juiceContinue reading The Best Bloody Caesar
The Smirnoff Smokey Mary (1977)
I am living for the Smirnoff Vodka magazine ads from the 1970s. Today’s drink is The Smokey Mary. We never dreamed when we first launched the Smirnoff Bloody Mary it would become a global classic. That doesn’t mean, however, that most folks know how to make a really good one, or even care to bother.Continue reading The Smirnoff Smokey Mary (1977)
Wiener Wednesday: Mexican Franks & Eggs (1965) and Montezuma Bloody Maria (1974)
We’ve come to the end of the Summer of Franks! And let me tell you, it couldn’t come soon enough. Bring on fall! And bring on dishes that don’t include cylindrical-shaped foods! For the very last Wiener Wednesday, I turned to Click Americana and One-Dish Frankfurter Meals. I was feeling a little spicy, so IContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Mexican Franks & Eggs (1965) and Montezuma Bloody Maria (1974)
Wiener Wednesday: The Charlie Burch (1975)
America’s Sweetheart, Betty White has been known to say that the secret to long life is vodka and hot dogs. If that is true, then I will live to be over a hundred. With Betty in mind, this week’s Wiener Wednesday features weenies and vodka: Yes, I am fully aware that the recipe only featuresContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: The Charlie Burch (1975)
Pine Valley Cocktail (1958)
In my last post (Wiener Wendnesday Pine Valley Red Hots), I mentioned that there was a recipe for a Pine Valley Cocktail in my Pap Pap’s 1958 copy of Here’s How! By Stouffer’s cocktail booklet. I love this book. It insists on absolute exactness in measurement, the selection of Grenadine to achieve properly colored drinks,Continue reading Pine Valley Cocktail (1958)
The April 1981 Bloody Mary
Why am I calling this The April 1981 Bloody Mary? Because it came from this calendar, which I got in a grab bag of cookbooks and pamphlets. I know nothing about it–I can’t find any sort of publishing mark on it and it’s missing its cover. Initially I thought it was a promotion for aContinue reading The April 1981 Bloody Mary
Pat O’Brien’s Cyclone and Hurricane Punch (1979)
Happy Fat Tuesday! Since no one is going out to a parade or party today, I thought I’d bring a little bit of Mardi Gras home with the Cyclone Cocktail and Hurricane Punch from Pat O’Brien’s in New Orleans. The recipes are from one of my favorite cookbooks, Benson & Hedges 100’s Presents Drink Recipes fromContinue reading Pat O’Brien’s Cyclone and Hurricane Punch (1979)
Groundhog Day Bloody Mary (1971)
Happy Groundhog Day! Phil has predicted that there is more winter yet to come!. At the moment it definitely looks like 6 more weeks of winter here–I don’t know how much snow has fallen, but school was closed yesterday and I have a delay today. However, it is forecasted to go up into the 50sContinue reading Groundhog Day Bloody Mary (1971)
Three Rivers Cookbook: Easy Nog(1973)
It’s now a Christmas tradition–my Easy Nog video. But this time, I’m also sharing the recipe from the Three Rivers Cookbook I (1973) I mean, it truly is easy. And it may also kill you. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
Holly Ball 2019: Christmas Sparkle (1966) and Holly Ball Hi-Ball Punch
I. LOVE. A. PUNCH. Punches are easy to make, easy to refresh (just throw more booze in there!), and they give guests an option from just wine or beer–without opening the bar for mixed drinks. Last year I gave an option to the option because I acquired a second punch bowl set (thanks, Beth!) andContinue reading Holly Ball 2019: Christmas Sparkle (1966) and Holly Ball Hi-Ball Punch
Vincent Price’s Zippy Bloody Mary (1972)
In the early 1970s, Vincent Price was the celebrity spokesperson for Angostura Bitters. He appeared in a series of print advertisements, each featuring a cocktail or recipe (or both) that includes the herbaceous liquid. This ad was recently featured on Silver Screen Suppers, Since I have already mixed up his other Bloody Mary recipe, IContinue reading Vincent Price’s Zippy Bloody Mary (1972)
The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
Jimmy Carter is the 39th president of the US, a Nobel Peace Prize award winner, and is known for his tireless dedication to volunteerism, philanthropy, and to his wife, Rosalynn. But whenever I hear “Jimmy Carter” the first thing I think of is peanuts. Sad but true. So of course when I found out thatContinue reading The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)