The Presley Family Cookbook: Elvis’ Green Eagle Dish with Eggs (1989)

Elvis died 45 years ago today at age 42. FORTY-TWO. Wrap your head around that. It’s wild to think that if he didn’t pass back in 1977, today he’d be 87. He could conceivably still be recording and performing*** Look at Tony Bennett, he was duetting with Lady Gaga up until 95! Randomly placing thisContinue reading The Presley Family Cookbook: Elvis’ Green Eagle Dish with Eggs (1989)

Wiener Wednesday: Kaukauna Klub Frankfurter Cheese Boats (1954)

Happy Wiener Wednesday! This week I’m taking a stab at Frankfurter Cheese Boats! I chose this recipe because the ad promises me “a boat load of good eating!” “Hot Dog,” you’ll say, “I’m glad we made ’em with Kaukauna Klub” To bring you distinctively flavored Kaukauna Klub, we take the finest of natural cheddar cheeseContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Kaukauna Klub Frankfurter Cheese Boats (1954)

Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Stuffed Frankfurters (1965)

Back by popular demand (and by popular demand, I mean that I just wanted to do it again) It’s WIENER WEDNESDAY!!! To kick of this month of weenies, I thought I’d ease into it with Vincent Price’s Stuffed Frankfurters. For those not in the know, Mary and Vincent Price’s Treasury of Great Recipes is built aroundContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Stuffed Frankfurters (1965)

turkey on skewers card

Help! I’m in Love with The Quarantine (ft. 161. Turkey on a Skewer)

Time no longer means anything. I have absolutely no idea how long I’ve been under stay-at-home. You could tell me 8 weeks or 18 weeks and I’d nod my head and say “that sounds right.” Confession: for as much as everyone wants to get things back to “normal,” I’m in no rush. I’m enjoying it.Continue reading Help! I’m in Love with The Quarantine (ft. 161. Turkey on a Skewer)