Full disclosure: I made this dish literally one year ago. No lie. 3/11/24 is scribbled at the top of my notes. Thankfully, I took notes. Otherwise, I’d have absolutely nothing to say. The goal was for DiS at 7:15. I assembled the beef patties the night before. At 5:30, I started the bread pudding. IContinue reading 212. Teriyaki Beef in Bacon
Tag: bacon
Bacon Lettuce & Tomato Impossible Pie (1984)
My love of the Bisquick Impossible Pie has been documented on this here blog. And the BLT is in my top 5 sandwiches, so I was thrilled to come across this ad: What a genius idea to combine the two! Damn thing got rather browned since I used a toaster oven (I refuse toContinue reading Bacon Lettuce & Tomato Impossible Pie (1984)
The Presley Family Cookbook: Elvis’ Green Eagle Dish with Eggs (1989)
Elvis died 45 years ago today at age 42. FORTY-TWO. Wrap your head around that. It’s wild to think that if he didn’t pass back in 1977, today he’d be 87. He could conceivably still be recording and performing*** Look at Tony Bennett, he was duetting with Lady Gaga up until 95! Randomly placing thisContinue reading The Presley Family Cookbook: Elvis’ Green Eagle Dish with Eggs (1989)
Wiener Wednesday: Kaukauna Klub Frankfurter Cheese Boats (1954)
Happy Wiener Wednesday! This week I’m taking a stab at Frankfurter Cheese Boats! I chose this recipe because the ad promises me “a boat load of good eating!” “Hot Dog,” you’ll say, “I’m glad we made ’em with Kaukauna Klub” To bring you distinctively flavored Kaukauna Klub, we take the finest of natural cheddar cheeseContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Kaukauna Klub Frankfurter Cheese Boats (1954)
Wiener Wednesday: The Elvis Dog (Cowboy Day!)
Howdy ho, partners! It’s Wiener Wednesday! It is also 3 days to the 5th Annual Cowboy Day Cookalong hosted by our friends at Recipes4Rebels. So today’s post is in celebration of both hot dogs and cowboys. And Elvis. LOGIC: Elvis played a cowboy in multiple movies. In the film Loving You he sings–I shit you not–a songContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: The Elvis Dog (Cowboy Day!)
Wiener Wednesday: Pig in a Poke (1963)
Welcome to Wiener Wednesday! Time for another delightfully named hot dog dish, Pig-in-a-Poke! This recipe is from Better Homes & Gardens Barbecues and Picnics (1963). Do you know what a pig in a poke is? I didn’t know what a pig in a poke is, so I took to the internets. A pig in a poke isContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Pig in a Poke (1963)
Kraft Bacon & Tomato Dressing (1984)
I put this advertisement up on the DiS1972 Facebook page and folks lost their collective minds. OK, maybe they didn’t lose their minds–but they let it be known that they really liked it. I don’t know why Kraft would discontinue the Bacon & Tomato dressing if people liked it so much. In 2018 an unopenedContinue reading Kraft Bacon & Tomato Dressing (1984)
155. Country Skillet
Look at that! DiS1972 giving us a pretty straightforward recipe. However, I did fiddle with the recipe to work with what I got. I had 100% of the ingredients but I substituted pork tenderloin for the lamb because: 1. lamb is really expensive. 2. I made pork and sauerkraut for new year’s day (it’s lucky!!!)Continue reading 155. Country Skillet
Benson & Hedges Entertaining With Style: Eggs Blackstone (1980)
We made it to New Year’s Eve! Although the manner in which you ring in 2021 may be different than in years past, that doesn’t mean you can’t drink like you’re out at a party! And if you drink like you’re out at a party, you might need a little something to nurse your hangoverContinue reading Benson & Hedges Entertaining With Style: Eggs Blackstone (1980)
Holly Ball 2019: Rio-Vista Balls (1958)
Yes, the title of this post says 2019. That’s because I never wrote about last year’s holiday party and I’m sure as hell not having one this year. The Holly Ball takes an entire year to plan because I take note of any and all ball recipes I come across throughout the year and jotContinue reading Holly Ball 2019: Rio-Vista Balls (1958)
180. Main-Dish Chowder
It is currently too hot for soup, but I am going to post about this anyway just to get it out of the queue. I’ll post something more seasonal next week. But here we go. I am fascinated by the dinners that are supposed to take all of an hour. Mostly because I almost ALWAYSContinue reading 180. Main-Dish Chowder
BH&G Cooking for Two: Bacon Big Boys (1968)
It’s National Bacon Lovers’ Day! To celebrate here is a big, bad bacon recipe from the vaults (almost exactly 8 years ago): A Cooking for Two that I cooked for one! Gentle readers, I present to you Bacon Big Boys! I had been eyeing this recipe for a while 1. because of the name (IContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Bacon Big Boys (1968)
Wiener Wednesday: Hot Diggity Dogs (1977)
Hot diggety dog! It’s Wiener Wednesday! I’m closing out this month of wieners with just that–a hot diggety dog. This recipe is from Australian Cooking for Today, edited by Anne Marshall. Here is the cookbook: Here is Margot sitting on the cookbook: I was thinking about it and apparently I am on a bit ofContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hot Diggity Dogs (1977)
Wiener Wednesday: Hannibal’s Heart with Sausage Stuffing
What do you do when your month of Wiener Wednesdays collides with Hannibal Week? You make a sausage-centric dish from Feeding Hannibal, that’s what! This is Heart With Sausage Stuffing. I could also just repost that time I made homemade sausages using the recipe from the cards I bought in the Hannibal Prop Store auction,Continue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hannibal’s Heart with Sausage Stuffing
Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Stuffed Frankfurters (1965)
Back by popular demand (and by popular demand, I mean that I just wanted to do it again) It’s WIENER WEDNESDAY!!! To kick of this month of weenies, I thought I’d ease into it with Vincent Price’s Stuffed Frankfurters. For those not in the know, Mary and Vincent Price’s Treasury of Great Recipes is built aroundContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Stuffed Frankfurters (1965)
Help! I’m in Love with The Quarantine (ft. 161. Turkey on a Skewer)
Time no longer means anything. I have absolutely no idea how long I’ve been under stay-at-home. You could tell me 8 weeks or 18 weeks and I’d nod my head and say “that sounds right.” Confession: for as much as everyone wants to get things back to “normal,” I’m in no rush. I’m enjoying it.Continue reading Help! I’m in Love with The Quarantine (ft. 161. Turkey on a Skewer)
182. Liver ‘N Onions
FUN FACT!I looooove liver and onions! I have since I was a kid (I was an odd child). This DiS has been a long time in the making. I already wrote about the Sunset Salad and Lemon Pudding Squares that accompanied #182. I made this dish when I went back home at theContinue reading 182. Liver ‘N Onions
181. Gourmet Eggs
I made brunch! Over the summer (yes, the summer), I hosted some of Mr. Sauce’s friends for a Sunday Brunch. Although, I was wary of this one–baking eggs that were already hard boiled–but this was flat-out yummy. I just wish that I had better pictures of it. To be honest, I just wish I hadContinue reading 181. Gourmet Eggs