Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Hotchpotch of Curly Kale (1965)

By now we all know that Vincent Price was a beast in the kitchen, yes? You definitely do if you’re a regular DiS1972 reader. His recipes appear on the blog numerous times (including a Wiener Wednesday!). Todays dog dish, Hotchpotch of Curly Kale, is from Vincent and Mary Price’s Treasury of Great Recipes (1965). ItContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Hotchpotch of Curly Kale (1965)

Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (1958)

Greetings and salutations, it’s another Wiener Wednesday! This week’s recipe is from Good Housekeeping’s Hamburger & Hot Dog Book (1958). I was ecstatic when I found a copy. It has HOT DOG in the title! If the tagline “Novel Uses for America’s Favorite Meats” isn’t enough to get you excited, the acknowledgements at the startContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (1958)

Cocktails and Snacks: Frankfurter Rolls & Cocktail Cheese Mold (1953)

Last night Mr. Sauce, Esq. and I watched the new Netflix movie Deadly Illusions starring Kristin Davis (a.k.a. Charlotte York from Sex and the City). It’s a doozy. Plot: Charlotte York is a famous novelist who is about to start her new book. To free up time she hires a nanny (played by Frasier Crane’sContinue reading Cocktails and Snacks: Frankfurter Rolls & Cocktail Cheese Mold (1953)