Church Lady Cookbook Casserole Challenge: Cock-a-Doodle Casserole

We interrupt your Regularly Scheduled Programming (that being Wiener Wednesday) for this Special Presentation… In the tradition of the Knoxapocalypse comes the Church Lady Cookbook Casserole Challenge! A culinary smackdown featuring the best (gross and/or weird) casseroles that church, synagogue, and community association cookbooks have to offer. So, Brian from Caker Cooking, Erica from Retro RecipeContinue reading Church Lady Cookbook Casserole Challenge: Cock-a-Doodle Casserole

Wiener Wednesday: Tessie O’Shea’s Frankfurter Chutney Salad

Finally! A salad that incorporates Hot Dogs. This is exactly what Wiener Wednesday was missing. This recipe was sent to me from UK–suggested by Jenny of Silver Screen Suppers and Vincentennial Cooking (go visit her blogs because they are fabulous and historical. Plus, don’t you want to make Alfred Hitchcock’s Quiche Lorraine or Marilyn Monroe’sContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Tessie O’Shea’s Frankfurter Chutney Salad

August Update

Hello, kittens. Happy August! I hope that you are all well and keeping cool this sweltering summer. I’ve been pretty unsuccessful–I blame the damn Chesapeake Bay–but perhaps I’m sweating up a storm because things are really heating up here at DiS! central. Not only am I revving up for my 80th dinner (yes, 80th!), andContinue reading August Update