James Beard’s Poulet aux Quarante Morceaux de l’Ail (1976)

Because of the kindness of friends, I own both Benson & Hedges 100s presents Drink Recipes from 100 of the World’s Greatest Bars (1979)–Thank you, DIllon! and Benson & Hedges presents Entertaining With Style–Recipes from Great American Restaurants (1980)–Thank you, Jacko! I have become enamored with these cookbooks for two main reasons– their very unconventionalContinue reading James Beard’s Poulet aux Quarante Morceaux de l’Ail (1976)

PIEATHALON 7: Betty Crocker’s Sombrero Pie (1971)

Hello! Welcome to Pieathalon 2020: The Seventh Pieathalon! Quick explanation of the Pieathalon for those of you who are virgins: The Pieathalon is a virtual pie party where bloggers from across the globe join to make pies of the past. Basically, each blogger submits a pre-1985 pie recipe, which are then randomly assigned to anotherContinue reading PIEATHALON 7: Betty Crocker’s Sombrero Pie (1971)