Howdy ho, partners! It’s Wiener Wednesday! It is also 3 days to the 5th Annual Cowboy Day Cookalong hosted by our friends at Recipes4Rebels. So today’s post is in celebration of both hot dogs and cowboys. And Elvis. LOGIC: Elvis played a cowboy in multiple movies. In the film Loving You he sings–I shit you not–a songContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: The Elvis Dog (Cowboy Day!)
Category: Food
Wiener Wednesday: Pig in a Poke (1963)
Welcome to Wiener Wednesday! Time for another delightfully named hot dog dish, Pig-in-a-Poke! This recipe is from Better Homes & Gardens Barbecues and Picnics (1963). Do you know what a pig in a poke is? I didn’t know what a pig in a poke is, so I took to the internets. A pig in a poke isContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Pig in a Poke (1963)
Wiener Wednesday: Frosted Franks
Today’s recipe, Frosted Franks, was submitted by DiS1972 reader Diana. I applaud her for finding it. Ah, Frosted Franks! A sane person may imagine that Frosted Franks is much like 174. Frosted Meatloaf–a little meat wrapped in mashies: That sane person would be wrong. Very wrong. I am sure that you’ve seen this recipe floatingContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frosted Franks
Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Hotchpotch of Curly Kale (1965)
By now we all know that Vincent Price was a beast in the kitchen, yes? You definitely do if you’re a regular DiS1972 reader. His recipes appear on the blog numerous times (including a Wiener Wednesday!). Todays dog dish, Hotchpotch of Curly Kale, is from Vincent and Mary Price’s Treasury of Great Recipes (1965). ItContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Hotchpotch of Curly Kale (1965)
Wiener Wednesday: Herbed Franks and Rolls (1955)
It’s Wiener Wednesday, bitches! I found today’s recipe at the retro treasure trove Click Americana in a 1955 issue of Woman’s Day magazine: Although I am always down for new ways to dish up frankfurters, I really want to find out how to build a sailboat for $65. Today’s pick is Herbed Franks: No, notContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Herbed Franks and Rolls (1955)
Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (1958)
Greetings and salutations, it’s another Wiener Wednesday! This week’s recipe is from Good Housekeeping’s Hamburger & Hot Dog Book (1958). I was ecstatic when I found a copy. It has HOT DOG in the title! If the tagline “Novel Uses for America’s Favorite Meats” isn’t enough to get you excited, the acknowledgements at the startContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (1958)
Wiener Wednesday: Pine Valley Red Hots (1954)
Happy Wiener Wednesday! The #SummerOfFranks rolls on with a selection from a recent acquisition, The Family Circle Meat Cookbook (1954). That is a broiled sirloin steak if you were wondering. The cookbook is divided into 12 chapters: The Meat in Your Menus Beef Veal Lamb Pork Ham Sausage Bacon Variety Meats Quick-Fix Meats Sauces MeatContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Pine Valley Red Hots (1954)
Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog S’mores (1969)
Wiener Wednesdays are back, baby! Hot dogs, weenies, frankfurters, Coneys, footlongs or red hots–whatever you call ’em, I’m gonna be serving them up for the next 14 weeks from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Move over, #HotGirlSummer–this is #HotDogSummer! I declare Summer 2021 the SUMMER OF FRANKS! To kick it off, I consulted Pillsbury’s MeatContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog S’mores (1969)
142. Meat Loaf Mexicali
This is the runner-up in the you-decide-what-ground-beef-dish-I-should-cook poll. I actually made it the day after Baked Stuffed Cheese-Burger (can’t waste that ground beef!), but have not gotten around to posting it until today. You see, I’ve had a lot going on. Actually millions of things going on; I live in Maryland, which is ground zeroContinue reading 142. Meat Loaf Mexicali
129. Baked Cheese-Burger
Last week you voted and the winner is 129. Baked Cheese-Burger! Looks pretty simple. And I didn’t have to buy a damn thing. I appreciate that the 1973 dinners are pared down considerably from the original DiS1972 set–so many of the cards are multi-hour affairs, but a good number of the 1973 dinners only takeContinue reading 129. Baked Cheese-Burger
Burda International Cuisine Festive Menus: Stuffed Eggs (1978)
FUN FACT! May is National Egg Month!!! Honestly, it seems like Egg Month should be April because; Easter. But perhaps the Egg Council of America people missed their chance to claim it. Speaking of Easter, I had leftover dyed eggs from my Easter Braid that I needed to kill, which is why I decided toContinue reading Burda International Cuisine Festive Menus: Stuffed Eggs (1978)
BH&G Salad Book: Avocado-Grapefruit Souffle(1958)
To refresh your memory, here is 187. Fillet Roll-Ups: When I posted that earlier this week I did not include an Avocado & Grapefruit Mold, which was part of the menu. Card 187. did not include a recipe for the salad, so I was left to my own devices. When I googled “Avocado and GrapefruitContinue reading BH&G Salad Book: Avocado-Grapefruit Souffle(1958)
187. Fillet Roll-Ups
Another day, another DiS1972 dinner completed! I picked this card because I had everything on hand with the exception of fish. Well, I had fish in the freezer, but it’s cod and I don’t know how well cod would roll up around broccoli. So I went to the store and bought some flounder. For myContinue reading 187. Fillet Roll-Ups
Kraft Bacon & Tomato Dressing (1984)
I put this advertisement up on the DiS1972 Facebook page and folks lost their collective minds. OK, maybe they didn’t lose their minds–but they let it be known that they really liked it. I don’t know why Kraft would discontinue the Bacon & Tomato dressing if people liked it so much. In 2018 an unopenedContinue reading Kraft Bacon & Tomato Dressing (1984)
155. Country Skillet
Look at that! DiS1972 giving us a pretty straightforward recipe. However, I did fiddle with the recipe to work with what I got. I had 100% of the ingredients but I substituted pork tenderloin for the lamb because: 1. lamb is really expensive. 2. I made pork and sauerkraut for new year’s day (it’s lucky!!!)Continue reading 155. Country Skillet
Postcard Key Lime Pie
This post card is from a grab bag of pamphlets and advertisements I bought last year. I have no idea when it was printed, but the color photo is by one Tom Brown. The back of the card reads: THE KEY LIME PIE is nationally known as one of Florida’s outstanding desserts. During the earlyContinue reading Postcard Key Lime Pie
BH&G Bread Cook Cook Book: Easter Braid (1968)
Happy (early) Easter! I love Easter. I have fond memories from growing up–the eggs, the cellophane grass, the candy, the happy bunnies, the flowers, the pastels, the new dresses with little white gloves and hats. It was fun going with my mum and my Gramsy (yes, the Gramsy who is the original owner of theContinue reading BH&G Bread Cook Cook Book: Easter Braid (1968)
126. Polynesian Tuna
Google “Polynesian Tuna” and this is the first result (from wikipedia): In Polynesian mythology, Tuna is the god of eels who was sentenced to be executed (by the Upolo) after trying to sexually assault Sina (who had grown him in a jar). He asked that his severed head be buried in the sand and from it, the first coconut palm grew. Me, after readingContinue reading 126. Polynesian Tuna