I do not like rum, so I wasn’t dying to celebrate National Hot Buttered Rum Day, but I knew that I had a couple of recipes for this cocktail and the weather was just cool enough for a hot drink to be appropriate. So I picked up some little bottles and I made two versions.Continue reading National Hot Buttered Rum Day
Category: cookbooks
Holly Ball 2022
Earlier this month I hosted my annual Christmas party, The Holly Ball (a.k.a the Ball Party). At the Holly Ball, all the food is ball-shaped. This was the 4th Holly Ball*** (5th if you count the inaugural party, A Very Manny Christmas–a celebration for my friend Manny’s 50th birthday). Speaking of Manny, I am usingContinue reading Holly Ball 2022
Robert Carrier’s Menu Planner: Iced Tomato Vodka, Steak au Poivre & Blueberry and Caramel Cream (1984)
To close out National Cookbook Month, I present to you Robert Carrier’s Menu Planner. I know very little about Robert Carrier. Although he is American born and raised he found fame in Europe. I had never heard of him growing up. This cookbook is rather fun. It’s huge. (it weighs nearly 5 pounds) contains 300Continue reading Robert Carrier’s Menu Planner: Iced Tomato Vodka, Steak au Poivre & Blueberry and Caramel Cream (1984)
BLENDS BASH 2022: Shrimp with Red New Orleans Sauce (1960)
Hello and welcome to Blends Bash 2022, hosted by the lovely folks at The Book Club Cook Book. Every year they send out some of their delicious spice blends to bloggers like myself who experiment and then share the results with you! This year I was assigned 3 different spice blends to play with. ThisContinue reading BLENDS BASH 2022: Shrimp with Red New Orleans Sauce (1960)
Benson & Hedges 100’s Presents Drink Recipes from 100 of the Greatest Bars: Traffic Light (1979)
Let’s crack open one of my favorite cookbooks from my collection, Benson & Hedges 100’s Presents Drink Recipes from 100 of the Greatest Bars (1979). Don’t you love the cover? My little eye spies a Martini, a Daquiri, and a Long Island Iced Tea. Since I decided to feature this book on Facebook and InstagramContinue reading Benson & Hedges 100’s Presents Drink Recipes from 100 of the Greatest Bars: Traffic Light (1979)
The Best of Bon Appetit: Pork Chops & Sauteed Apples (1979)
Last month I found myself with a ton of apples and a value pack of pork chops. And the official first day of autumn had come and gone, so I decided to make a fall-like, pork-apple dinner. I consulted my copy of The Best of Bon Appetit. Which–I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before–IContinue reading The Best of Bon Appetit: Pork Chops & Sauteed Apples (1979)
Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cookbook: Lincoln’s Log (1973)
I was recently going through old photos; came across the photo below and said to myself, “what the fuck is that?” It took me a moment but I remembered what the fuck it was–Lincoln’s Log from Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cook Book (1973).*** After I found the photos, I took to the old draft folder andContinue reading Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cookbook: Lincoln’s Log (1973)
The Presley Family Cookbook: Elvis’ Green Eagle Dish with Eggs (1989)
Elvis died 45 years ago today at age 42. FORTY-TWO. Wrap your head around that. It’s wild to think that if he didn’t pass back in 1977, today he’d be 87. He could conceivably still be recording and performing*** Look at Tony Bennett, he was duetting with Lady Gaga up until 95! Randomly placing thisContinue reading The Presley Family Cookbook: Elvis’ Green Eagle Dish with Eggs (1989)
DiS1972 End of Summer Giveaway!
Hello kittens! I just got back from vacation, I’m feeling good, and I’m in the mood for a contest! I’m curating three different prize packs from my collection of vintage cookbooks and ephemera. Some items already appeared on the blog, some are new acquisitions, some are duplicates. Here’s a sample of what the winners may receive:Continue reading DiS1972 End of Summer Giveaway!
National Cabbage Day 2022
This dish appeared on the blog back in 2015. It included a huge rundown of all the crazy shit that happened to me that year. If you’re just here for the cabbage crown, read on….. To see the original post, here it is: Cabbage Crown and 2015 in Review. I’m sharing with you a doozyContinue reading National Cabbage Day 2022
Blends Bash 2021: Irish Halloween Bread & Irish Coffee (1966)
It’s Blends Bash! (If you don’t know what that is, the lovely folks at The Book Club Cookbook send out samples of their spice blends–all inspired by television shows, movies, and songs–to special bloggers like me. And then we go all creative with them). Today I am bringing to you a recipe that features theirContinue reading Blends Bash 2021: Irish Halloween Bread & Irish Coffee (1966)
Pieathalon 8: Mahogany Pie (1978)
Welcome to the 8th Annual Pieathalon! You all know the deal–the Pieathletes send me pre-1990 pie recipes and I randomly assign them to another Pieathlete. We make ’em! Then share ’em! My assignment is courtesy of Dr. Bobb of Dr. Bobb’s Kitschen. He submitted two different recipes and this is the one I chose, fromContinue reading Pieathalon 8: Mahogany Pie (1978)
Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Round-Up Sandwiches (1983)
Hello there! After so many weeks of weenies, it’s a surprise that I had not yet featured a dish from this cookbook, the 1983 reissue of Mettja C. Roate’s New Hot Dog Cookbook. I’m in. I want new and exciting ways to make hot dogs! The cover art is a bit of a let downContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Round-Up Sandwiches (1983)
Wiener Wednesday: The Babysitter’s Favorite (1975)
Yet another Wiener Wednesday dish that I chose because of the name. The Babysitter’s Favorite. This is from Crock-Pot Cooking by Marilyn Neill. As someone who was only a babysitter for a single summer because I disliked it so much, I can’t really speak on what would make this a babysitter favorite; so instead IContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: The Babysitter’s Favorite (1975)
Wiener Wednesday: Pig in a Poke (1963)
Welcome to Wiener Wednesday! Time for another delightfully named hot dog dish, Pig-in-a-Poke! This recipe is from Better Homes & Gardens Barbecues and Picnics (1963). Do you know what a pig in a poke is? I didn’t know what a pig in a poke is, so I took to the internets. A pig in a poke isContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Pig in a Poke (1963)
Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Hotchpotch of Curly Kale (1965)
By now we all know that Vincent Price was a beast in the kitchen, yes? You definitely do if you’re a regular DiS1972 reader. His recipes appear on the blog numerous times (including a Wiener Wednesday!). Todays dog dish, Hotchpotch of Curly Kale, is from Vincent and Mary Price’s Treasury of Great Recipes (1965). ItContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Vincent Price’s Hotchpotch of Curly Kale (1965)
Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (1958)
Greetings and salutations, it’s another Wiener Wednesday! This week’s recipe is from Good Housekeeping’s Hamburger & Hot Dog Book (1958). I was ecstatic when I found a copy. It has HOT DOG in the title! If the tagline “Novel Uses for America’s Favorite Meats” isn’t enough to get you excited, the acknowledgements at the startContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (1958)
Wiener Wednesday: Pine Valley Red Hots (1954)
Happy Wiener Wednesday! The #SummerOfFranks rolls on with a selection from a recent acquisition, The Family Circle Meat Cookbook (1954). That is a broiled sirloin steak if you were wondering. The cookbook is divided into 12 chapters: The Meat in Your Menus Beef Veal Lamb Pork Ham Sausage Bacon Variety Meats Quick-Fix Meats Sauces MeatContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Pine Valley Red Hots (1954)