Well, I found another cookbook that I desperately want–the 1998 WMMR RocknRoll Celebrity Cookbook. “I promise you that I do cook myself (as taught to me by my good friend, Francesca Boglione).” Really, David? I don’t see him eating let alone cooking. I mean, According to David Buckley, the author of the book Strange Fascination: David Bowie: TheContinue reading David Bowie’s Penne Putanesca (1988)
Author: yinzerella
188. Mediterranean Salad (BOOM!)
This is a perfect meal for summer weather–because the most cooking that it calls for is the boiling of some eggs and potatoes (you could just buy those tiny canned potatoes). This is also the perfect meal for me to talk about the a movie I just watched–1968’s BOOM! starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. AndContinue reading 188. Mediterranean Salad (BOOM!)
Cowboy Day Cook-Along: Elvis Presley’s Quick Chicken Supper Skillet
Saturday is Cowboy Day! And to celebrate, Greg over at Recipes4Rebels coordinated the 3rd Cowboy Day Cook-Along. I couldn’t find an actual “cowboy” dish, but I use the term “cowboy” loosely and I’ll take inspiration where I find it. So I selected a dish from Are You Hungry Tonight? Elvis’ Favorite Recipes, which is aContinue reading Cowboy Day Cook-Along: Elvis Presley’s Quick Chicken Supper Skillet
191. Grasshopper Pie
In anticipation for next month’s 5th Annual Pieathalon I present to you another card from the DiS1973 card series—191. Grasshopper Pie. I made this pie to cap off dinner 158. Beef Wellington which I made for The Lost Family Dinner Party. I made card 191 as easy as I could (easy as pie!) by purchasingContinue reading 191. Grasshopper Pie
Bisquick Impossible Pies: Zucchini-Tomato Pie
So, it turned out that I didn’t make all 12 the Bisquick Impossible Pies from The Bisquick “No Time To Cook Recipe Book” (1983) like I thought I did. I don’t know how I missed one, but I did–Zucchini-Tomato Pie. I love me an Impossible pie. I say this to Impossible Pies: That is, except forContinue reading Bisquick Impossible Pies: Zucchini-Tomato Pie
BH&G Barbecue Book: Blue Cheese Slaw (1967)
So, is everyone else already over summer or is it just me? No? You summer-lovers are a mystery to me. I am NOT a fan of the season. Sun. Heat. Sweat. Bugs. It’s been in the mid 90s for almost a week and it looks like there’s no end in sight. I hate it. IContinue reading BH&G Barbecue Book: Blue Cheese Slaw (1967)
176. Hot Dog Pizza
OH. MY. GAWD. It’s been like pulling teeth here, trying to get myself to sit down and write. Meanwhile, Margot’s teeth have literally falling out. Seriously. Teeth falling out. So, sometimes after a nap, her tongue just sticks out. And Brian has a chronic respiratory infection and is congested as fuck. Oh the noises heContinue reading 176. Hot Dog Pizza
The Lost Family Virtual Dinner Party ft. 158. Beef Wellington
Welcome to The Lost Family Virtual Supper Club! I am so happy to be one of the bloggers invited to celebrate the release of Jenna Blum’s latest novel, The Lost Family with a cookalong! The book is a saga which revolves around Auschwitz survivor and restauranteur Peter Rashkin, his glamourous young wife, June, and their daughter Elsbeth.Continue reading The Lost Family Virtual Dinner Party ft. 158. Beef Wellington
Well, it Looks Nice From the Outside…
Do you live in the Harrisburg area? Do you happen to love staircases and wrought-iron railings? How about wallpaper? Do you dig wood paneling? Do you have $300,00 lying around? If so, I have the house for you! Here’s what the listing agent has to say: …Crafted of Valley Forge stone, this classic home boastsContinue reading Well, it Looks Nice From the Outside…
139. Tostada Dinner
Obligatory Cinco de Mayo post!!! Does this even qualify as a tostada? How can this be considered a tostada? A tostada is like a flat taco. Not Fritos with ground beef slathered on it. With this dish, the beef doesn’t even go on top of them. The chips are around them. Speaking of the beef,Continue reading 139. Tostada Dinner
The Potters’ Guild of Baltimore Cookbook Taco Dip
So last week I started watching The Wire with Mr. Sauce. I was hesitant to watch it for so long because: Baltimore. But I figured that after 8 years, I should finally watch it. It took me a few eps, but now I’m in it to win it. I think this scene sealed the dealContinue reading The Potters’ Guild of Baltimore Cookbook Taco Dip
172. Chicken Breasts, French Style
Hello! My friends, how I’ve missed you! I’ve never neglected the blog for so many weeks at a time (I’m not going to count the last post). Right now I’ll just blame my neglect on the fact that I have been busy moving Mr. Sauce into my apartment. And I don’t remember much about 172,Continue reading 172. Chicken Breasts, French Style
Happy National Grilled Cheese Day!
This card is from the 1973 series, and originally appeared on the blog on March 14, 2017. I am sharing this not just because April 12 is National Grilled Cheese Day, but because there is a GIANT update to this post. I lived in my row house at the time and had battened down theContinue reading Happy National Grilled Cheese Day!
Canada Box: Filet O’ Fish Sauce
It’s the first Friday of Lent (if you’re into that kind of thing). And since it’s the first Friday of Lent, I assume that those who do follow the teachings of Cathol are looking for a good Friday fish dish. And so I give you my homemade Filet o’ Fish thanks to the McDonald’s FiletContinue reading Canada Box: Filet O’ Fish Sauce
Canada Box: St. Huber Poutine Gravy Mix
It’s time for some Poutine! This is one of those dishes that I knew about for so long but had never given it a whirl. And to be honest, I don’t know if I had ever tried it before. So when I made this one weeknight evening, I not only got to introduce Poutine toContinue reading Canada Box: St. Huber Poutine Gravy Mix
Happy Groundhog Day 2018!
Happy Groundhog Day! Dear friends, Greetings from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania! Actually, nearby DuBois, PA because Punxy is teeny-tiny. Regardless, I AM HERE! Waking up at 4:30 am EST tomorrow to get on a bus and go to Gobbler’s Knob and watch a groundhog be pulled out of a burrow as drunken people cheer. I have alwaysContinue reading Happy Groundhog Day 2018!
186. Chocolate Ripple Coffee Cake (with Canadian Bacon)
My Celebration of Canadian Food Stuffs rolls on with card 186, which features Canadian Bacon. First, let me tell you about the Canadian bacon. Mr. Sauce, Esq. and I wanted to be all autumnal back in October and do a corn-maze/pumpkin picking day. We found a little farm in Woodstock, MD called Strohmer’s. WeContinue reading 186. Chocolate Ripple Coffee Cake (with Canadian Bacon)
New Year Chinese Feast 2017 (Happy National Buffet Day!)
This year is over. Finally. Our national nightmare rages on, but we made it to the other side of Year One. And January 2 is (was) National Buffet Day! (I started writing this yesterday but didn’t post until today, so sue me). Question: what is the difference between a smorgasbord, a potluck, or a buffet?Continue reading New Year Chinese Feast 2017 (Happy National Buffet Day!)