Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery Vol. 11 (1966): Sausage-Apple Bake

The best thing to happen during the Holly Ball (aside from the majesty of Shrimp Sputnik ’18 and the fact that it was just a damn good party), was that I received a wonderful Christmas present from my dear friends, Dan and Jon–A set of the Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery (1966). Woman’s Day actuallyContinue reading Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery Vol. 11 (1966): Sausage-Apple Bake

BH&G All-Time Favorite Salad Recipes: Crab-Stuffed Avocados (1984)

So, is it as hot wherever you are as it is here? We’re enjoying another Code Red Heat Alert Day here in Baltimore City. That basically means that no matter what you do, as soon as you get outside–you’re gonna have swamp ass. Triple degree heat indexes for everyone! I am currently enjoying central AC,Continue reading BH&G All-Time Favorite Salad Recipes: Crab-Stuffed Avocados (1984)