Gonna tell you right off the bat that this was delicious.  And super-easy.

I marinated the flank steak the night before, hard-boiled the eggs for the salad, and made the cream cake roll that morning (that will be detailed in a later post).

I’m happy to report that No. 168 started at 5:20 pm and ended right on time at 6:20. The most involved part was getting the pineapple and the meat on the skewers. Otherwise, I just had to cook some egg noodles and toss a salad.

Meat before the broiler:

And after the broiler:

No. 168 was a winner. The beef was tender and juicy.

This meal was a real return to form for DiS1972–canned pineapple, meat on a stick, and poppy seeds. TBH, I am surprised that this didn’t have a Polynesian/Island name. The only thing missing was a slivered almond and a mandarin orange.

Mr. Sauce, Esq. appointed this a FAN-FAVORITE and decided to buy all the flank steak he could find.

It seems that many others consider it a fan-favorite as well–I haven’t seen it in stores since I bought it for this card.

That cream cake roll was great–and will be featured in a future post. Keep your eyes peeled!



View Comments

  • Those skewers look exactly like the ones on the card -- well done (or maybe medium rare?)! I wasn't sure about peanut butter and pineapple together, but you've convinced me.

  • I never buy flank steak, but now I have a reason to try it. This sounds really good, and easy too. Hope you've been well and glad to see you back!

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