173. New-World Veal Scaloppine (ft. Italian Grilled Artichokes)

Before I start with No. 173, I just want to say that I have no idea what “new-world” veal is. I did some internetting and the only thing I discovered is a chain of butcher shops in New Zealand called New World.  Why new world? Only Marjon Promotions knows for sure. 

I’m posting this nearly a year after I wrote it.

This was an early-COVID recipe–back when the only thing we were allowed to do was go to the grocery store. And for this dish, I don’t know how many ingredients were actually from the grocery store. I was relying really heavily on Imperfect Foods and we were picking up large (and I mean LARGE) orders from an Italian market here called Trinacria.

In March, when we didn’t know how long we were going to be home, Mr. Sauce was placing orders for a family of 6: big cans of crushed tomatoes, diced tomatoes, whole tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, boxes and boxes of assorted pasta, pounds of Italian sausage, imported cheeses, big tins of broth, anchovies, olives, artichokes, Italian cookies, jugs of wine.

COVID made it necessary to adjust my menu due to ingredient availability.

Apparently I used canola oil.

So my menu changed to:

  • New-World Chicken Scaloppine
  • #88 Gemelli Pasta
  • Italian Grilled Artichoke Hearts with Salsa Verde
  • White Wine
  • NO SPUMONI, because, even in non-lockdown times no one carries spumoni.

Because I sure as hell don’t. Where is the goddamned spumoni?

I have notes this time. I love it when I have notes! DiS1972 goal is to complete this meal in one hour. GO!

5:20 water on for steaming. Previously cleaned artichokes. Previously made the Italian salsa verde.
While water is heating up, take out chicken to make cutlets. Want to make very thin for quick            cooking.
5:23 artichokes in steamer
5:27 chicken is cut. and beat
5:38 about 5 minutes left on artichoke steam. Decide to clean/slice mushrooms
5:43 artichoke out. Rub with lemon juice and put to side (place in microwave w/ no heat to stay                 warm)
5:47 chicken in pan!
5:56 sauce on chicken. drop pasta. put artichokes on grill. BACK BURNER NOT WORKING! HAVE TO          REHEAT GRILL PAN!
6:01 Man, this chicken has to cook more. ARTICHOKES ON GRILL! Trying to boil the fuck out of the            chicken sauce. Always over-flour the chicken. Always make the full amount of sauce even if                reducing recipe

I enjoy my Copper Chef grill pan

6:06 seem to be getting somewhere with sauce A little over 1 minute for pasta. Did I mention I’m              cooking pasta?
6:08 pasta drain
6:14 actually eating.

Completed in just one hour–ladies and gentlemen, I present to you 173. New-World Veal Scaloppine!

The chicken was pedestrian. But the artichokes were amazing!!!

100% will make again this spring when artichokes are in season.

I don’t know who to credit for this recipe. Mother Sauce sent it to me, so I’m going to say it’s hers.

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7 thoughts on “173. New-World Veal Scaloppine (ft. Italian Grilled Artichokes)

  1. Apparently Edy’s (or Dreyers, if you’re in other parts of the country) sells spumoni ice cream!

    This looks really tasty, even if it’s Slightly Pedestrian. 🙂 I’m terrified of cooking artichokes, but I like the taste of them.

  2. What makes it “new-world” is (was) the availability of packaged •frozen• veal ‘patties’ (ground veal) in 1970s compared to old world style shaved veal cutlets!
    Salsa verde recipe sounds delicious, thanks.

  3. wow it uses actual veal? here in California its a rarity …… but it looks like a chicken fritter/fried steak with mushrooms and tomato sauce on it …..might have been better wth actual veal ……..

    1. You can still get veal in these here parts. I never buy it. I will occasionally have it at an Italian restaurant.(I love a marsala and a picatta), but it’s rare.

  4. I am so lucky that one of our local markets has had their own brand of Spumoni ice cream and it’s really good — not just good for a store brand, but good-good. I haven’t bought ice cream from them since the beginning of the pandemic, so I don’t know if that flavor has survived, but I hope so.

    Those artichokes look amazing! A much better side than Italian green beans. If the artichokes in the fridge are still good, I will be making this tonight!

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