James Beard’s Poulet aux Quarante Morceaux de l’Ail (1976)

Because of the kindness of friends, I own both Benson & Hedges 100s presents Drink Recipes from 100 of the World’s Greatest Bars (1979)--Thank you, DIllon! and Benson & Hedges presents Entertaining With Style–Recipes from Great American Restaurants (1980)–Thank you, Jacko!

I have become enamored with these cookbooks for two main reasons– their very unconventional size (8″ x 3.75″)and that fact that the majority of the restaurants featured in these books no longer exist. I’ve had a lot of fun researching whether or not the establishments are still in operation (SPOILER ALERT: they’re mostly likely closed.)

Since I like these little cookbooks so much I went online to see if I could find any others.

Well, I DID! I bought 5 more, in fact.

This one, from 1976, was one of them:

Yes, that James Beard.
Here’s James Beard
I know what they look like. I think those are supposed to be shrimp….?

I picked this recipe because I didn’t have to buy anything. All the ingredients were already in my kitchen.

I thought that dish would be a slog–it just sounds like it would be extremely involved.  However, aside from peeling more than 20 cloves of garlic (I halved the recipe), this was essentially hands-off. Minimal chopping (the celery is the only ingredient that needs a knife), no browning (the chicken is just rolled in olive oil before going into the dutch oven), and all in one dish!

After 90 minutes:

I served it with a Caesar salad and some mashed potatoes. The mashies were so good with the softened garlic. I just mixed it all up as I ate it. The chicken was perfectly cooked.

This is such a low maintenance dish that I recommend it 100%.

Now please watch this adorable 1960s advertisement for B&H 100’s:

Anyone else now want a cigarette?



View Comments

  • 1-This recipe seems very crock pot-able. 2-Having dry vermouth on hand is impressive! 3- Love my skinny spiral B&H American Resorts cookbook. 4-I could pick that nasty habit back up in a heartbeat ;(

  • Recipe sounds delish and easy.
    As a former smoker I’m reminded how stupid we all look with a cigarette jutting out of our faces.
    Makes me think of the late great George Carlin referring to cigars as “big brown dicks”.
    Smoking so idiotic lol!

  • I have a version of this recipe that calls for it to be baked inside an earthenware dish w/lid. Then instead of the foil, you seal the lid by making a simple dough from flour and water, rolling it into a snake shape and shaping it around the rim and pressing the lid on top. Either way, it's a great recipe. As a kid, I used to think cigarettes were so elegant and grown up. I especially wanted to grow up and be like one of the Virginia Slims models. I loved their slogan of "You've come a long way, baby!"

    • OMG Virginia Slims? The best were the ultra-slims--they were the size of those disposable cocktail stirrers. I wonder if they still make those!

  • I've got to love the truth in advertising-- this cigarette will kill you! Of course, the commercial implies the death will be an exhilarating mountain-climbing death rather than an excruciating slog of lung cancer, but lung cancer wouldn't be nearly as funny.

  • I totally read the title as Poulet aux Quarantine. I think I may need a nap (or a drink).

    I love 40-clove chicken and James Beard, so I'll have to try this recipe. Admittedly, I buy the big containers of peeled garlic cloves when I make this kind of dish. I've tried all kinds of peeling techniques for garlic and still end up with a paring knife in my hand.

    Oh, and those are some mighty hairy "shrimp." 0.o

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