Blends Bash Mulled Apple Cider

It’s National Mulled Cider Day! And what a perfect day it is! The sky is blue, there’s an autumnal chill in the air and the leaves are just starting to change. Oh how I love fall!

In honor of the day, I concocted a recipe using “We’re Not Gonna Bake it” Apple Pie Spice, which was sent to me by the lovely folks at The Book Club Cookbook as part of their Blends Bash.

This apple pie spice blend (a Song Blend, to be specific) is a mix of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, and cardamom.

My mulled cider, which also includes the alcohol of your choice and some oranges, is spicy, citrusy, sweet, and boozy. IT IS DELICOUS!

Recipe for two large mugs:

* 2 cups apple cider
* 1/3 cups booze of your choice (whiskey, bourbon, sherry, brandy, etc.)
* half an orange thinly sliced
* 1/2 tsp “We’re Not Gonna Bake It” Song Blend

Combine all ingredients in saucepan and heat on low without boiling. Pour warm cider through a fine mesh strainer or skim cooked spices out of the saucepan. Serve in mugs with the cooked orange slices.

You can also mull the cider (sans booze), refrigerate it, and reheat later with the alcohol.

I just found out that the spice was inspired by The Who’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It.” But my brain automatically went HERE:

Dee Snider has a face that only a mother can love.



View Comments

  • I totally went with Twisted Sister too. We're pushing 100 today and in the 90s the rest of the week, so all I need for hot cider is to put a juice box outside. ; ) Hopefully, it will be cool enough to try it your way soon -- looks delicious.

  • Ah Fall! How I love this season and its cool, crisp days. I absolutely love hot cider too. My favorite is hot apple cider with caramel. This recipe sounds very good too, and although I can't drink alcohol right now, I would definitely serve this to guests at an autumnal dinner party or even Thanksgiving.

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