A fact about me: I keep a very detailed planner. Like, not just a what-to-do planner but a what-I-already-did planner. I will go back a day and fill in what may have happened that wasn’t already on the calendar.

I keep a very detailed planner because I want to know where I was on any given day in case there is a questionable charge on a credit card, I need to contact trace for COVID, or I am accused of a crime I did not commit.  Mr. Sauce, Esq. jokes that this is the one thing that Brett Kavanaugh and I have in common.

Well, we do both like beer:

What was I saying?

The planner! I want to mention my planner because in said planner I have a list of eight full DiS1972 dinners in the queue that I just haven’t gotten around to posting. This is going all the way back to May.

So it’s time to cut that list down to seven!

I have notes from this one, so perhaps that will be helpful since I made this five months ago.

Fruit cup.
Fancy ginger ale.
Spicy kind.
We’ll see how this works with 6 oz of regular OJ not from concentrate.
2:20 in freezer.

Note: I believe the fancy ginger ale I was referencing was Fever Tree.

Chicken. Have a little under 2 lbs. Recipe = 4-5.
Doesn’t say what type of tomato.
Choose whole.
If this is cooking for three hours, the tomatoes will break down.

Threw in a few crushed cloves.

2:48: lid on to simmer for 3 hours!

5:30 turning on water for pasta.
In the meantime I marinate some artichokes for salad.

Pasta in.

6:05 water finally boiling

Note: why the hell did it take a half an hour for my pasta water to boil?

6:25 Dinner is Served!

I am very pleased with how the photo turned out. It really looks similar!

But there was only one thing that I remember about the taste….it was oily. So oily that I don’t believe I ate the leftovers. SAD FACE. I hate wasting the leftovers.

Oh! One other thing I remember. Do you see a picture of Frosty Fruit Cup? No, I don’t either. That is because it never set. Now, I don’t know if that is due to the use of the fancy ginger ale or that my OJ was not frozen concentrate, but it did not freeze properly. It was not a nice sherbet-y thing–which is how I imagine it was intended to be.




View Comments

  • It is because orange juice concentrate is...concentrated. To return it to juice, you add three cans of water. So your dessert had too much water and not nearly enough sugar to hit the right texture. Personally, I would just marinate the fruit in some ginger ale and orange juice, and then take it out and freeze it. The other way seems painfully sweet.

  • Your chicken presentation is far more palatable, salad too. Prefer your broader fettuccini-esque noodles as well. Those fizzy freezer desserts from yesteryear are labor intense and tricky. This meal is a perfect Sunday menu to cook for a large group. Never met a carb-salad-wine trinity haven’t liked..lol

  • Your food looks so. much. more. delectable. than the food on the card. I'm totally bummed that it was too oily, because I was actually excited that the recipe called for 2 tsp of herbs! You've inspired me to try this (minus most of the oil) once our temps aren't in triple digits anymore.

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