Marguerite Patten’s Sherry Tomato Cocktail (1974)

Another Bloody Mary?

Yes, please!

This recipe is from Woman’s Own 365 Menu Cookbook by Marguerite Patten (1974)

A new menu every single day!

Marguerite Patten’s Sherry Tomato Cocktail

Flavour canned or bottled tomato juice with 1 to 2 tablespoons sherry and a little Worcestershire sauce. Serve cold in cocktail glasses.

OK, I know what you are thinking–this isn’t a true Bloody Mary because: vodka. Agreed. But because of the tomato juice + booze combo, I consider this recipe to be Bloody Mary-adjacent.

Or more like Lobster Bisque adjacent. With all the sherry it’s like Lobster Bisque without the lobster. It also reminded me a bit of Bookbinder’s Snapper Soup, which I made in 2015 (the post also includes Vincent Price’s take on the Bloody Mary): 

The snapper soup from Vincent Price’s cookbook

Looking at that picture, I just realized that a thin slice of lemon floating on top would be a lovely addition to this cocktail.

Maybe next time.

3/5 on the tomato scale


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  • A sherry-tomato mary sounds more appealing than a tequila-mary which can’t understand at all, + probably shouldn’t knock until tried. But still..
    The most creative b-mary menu i’ve seen (sadly also haven’t tried) is at Prune restaurant ny, ny.

  • If this is lobster bisque adjacent, I wonder how the drink would be if you made it with Clamato -- would it take the drink to a new level greatness or grossness? ; )

    I love the taste of sherry when combined with other things. That being said, I'm not a huge fan of just a glass of sherry (weird, huh?), which is too bad because I have my grandmother's lovely sherry set.

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