It is currently too hot for soup, but I am going to post about this anyway just to get it out of the queue. I’ll post something more seasonal next week. But here we go.

Who is baking their own frankfurter buns? Seriously. I’d like to meet these people. I am sure they are a bit mad.

I am fascinated by the dinners that are supposed to take all of an hour. Mostly because I almost ALWAYS go over the DiS1972 timeline. One hour can easily turn to two in my world.

So let’s see how this one goes. I started at 5:30.

5:30 celery curls. Chop onion.

5:40 dice potato.

5:55 add cans to soup. 

Well, that’s pretty simple.

6:00 put together veg tray

using Old Bay instead of seasoning salt. Because I don’t have seasoning salt.

6:05 boiling. Set to simmer.

Hot dog buns in toaster oven.

6:20 plating. 

OMG. I beat the card.

I was also quite proud of this plating. It’s all so BROWN, which isn’t the most appetizing thing in the world, but it does look like the original!

Seriously. Look again at the original:

I don’t know how I pulled that off.

So, how was the soup?

Not bad. It totally reminds me of a corn-crab chowder that I bust out every once in a while–because of the corn, bacon and potatoes. I think you could throw in some crab and you’d pretty much get the same thing.

This was extremely easy because of all the convenience pantry items. I never thought about using canned potatoes in this manner, but it makes sense. No peeling!

In a couple of months when the air starts to chill, this would be a great dish to make with your kids/grandkids. They get to dump cans of stuff into a pot and stir.  Hell, if they’re old enough to wield a knife, have them make dinner for you.



View Comments

  • How do you think oysters would taste in this. Your presentation is spot on! You must have dishes & crockery from every m.aterial and shade in the world

  • Hooray for beating the clock! That is tough to do.
    I have actually contemplated making frankfurter buns (especially when my area had bread shortages this spring), but I've never actually followed through. I do make sub buns, though, and I'll bet they'd be passable frank buns if I just made them a little smaller.

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