Hurricane Isosceles is upon us here on the East Coast.

With all the wind and the rain it makes me think of the greatest weather film(s) of all-time SHARKNADO.

Step to the side Day After Tomorrow and Twister. You got nothing on airborne elasmobranches!

I know that I haven’t talked about my fondness of the Sharknado series; but as some one who loves camp, aquariums, and wacky celebrity cameos, this movie was practically written for me.

I am forever thankful to Syfy that each summer from  2013-2018 they gifted us with a new Sharknado.


This shark in free fall is absolutely mesmerizing to me. So graceful.

Where else, other than the Sharknado universe would David Hassellhoff go into space?

Or Mark Cuban would be the shark-killing President of the US? 

He fights bravely for the safety of the nation.


Ya know, after all that has happened so far this year, I don’t think that Sharknados are out of the question.

OK. onto the food. How do we get there? How do we get to this now?

Sharks are fish……So here’s a fish dish, compliments of Bertolli Olive Oil!

That’s a gorgeous looking fish! The bed of parsley, the ring of lemons, that massive cruet of oil.

Mine did not turn out as such:

In my defense, there wasn’t any 2 lb bass at the market and I had to settle for two small Rainbow Trout. And I don’t have baking dishes that look like that. And I’m just not a very good cook.

This was fine. To be honest, I’m not much of a fish person. Occasionally I’ll have a piece of fish out at a restaurant that is good, but at home it’s rare.


All of the Sharknado movies are available to stream on Amazon Prime. Mr. Sauce, Esq. is a Sharknado virgin, so you know what I’ll be putting on the ROKU tonight.

Another FUN FACT!

Did you know that Norwegian disaster movies are a thing?

They are!

In 2014 there was THE WAVE

In 2018 the sequel: THE QUAKE

I recommend both if you don’t mind reading some subtitles with your Norwegian. Yes, stuff gets destroyed, but it is all about the anticipation!

OK, I’m outtie. Stay dry, kittens!


View Comments

  • They seriously need to bring back Sharknado, we need that in our lives right about now. Don't ever let me read that you think you're not a good cook. You do things with food I'd never even dare to attempt. And your presentation was beautiful. I love that they give permission to use whatever piece of fish you have laying around!

  • I think your final presentation looks quite attractive.

    I'm too big of a wimp for horror and suspense, so I'll be in the kitchen making the popcorn. ; )

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