Miss Lillian Carter’s Peach Yummy (1977)

I am now at the point where I am convinced that I’ve either had or do have the Corona every time my body feels remotely out of sync:

Headache? Corona!
Stiff joints? Corona!
Heartburn? Corona!
Scratchy throat? Corona!
Feeling hot? Corona!
Is that a chill? Corona!
Chest pain? Corona!
Can’t sleep? Corona!
Fatigued? Corona!
Can’t taste or smell anything? Corona!

Of course, the real reasons are:

  • dehydration
  • arthritis
  • spicy food
  • HVAC with little temperature control
  • waking up at 4:30 in the morning because a cat is on your chest so you don’t sleep and you’re tired AF the rest of the day
  • Making cocktails that taste like nothing, That Scapulada! I had a legit freak out and I gave myself a phantom fever. 

Is anyone else having paranoia-induced symptoms?

So how am I going to connect this to Peach Yummy?

Let’s see:

How’s that?

I picked up some fresh farm stand peaches on our way back from NJ earlier this month (family visit) and didn’t know what to do with it. But I thought Peaches: Georgia. Georgia: Peaches and picked up the Carter cookbook.

There were quite a few peach recipes, but I had to go with this one.


I appreciate that this recipe basically all of 3 steps and that it only requires one baking dish, one bowl, and one spoon to make it.

I also appreciated that I had all of the non-peach ingredients already on hand.

This seriously doesn’t look like much, and I initially thought that I had burnt it, but no.


I wasn’t sure what I was expecting–but oatmeal cookie-gingerbread hybrid on top of peaches wasn’t it. But this was super-good and super-easy.

Fun fact: I’ve never liked peaches.  Perhaps because my mind always defaults to canned cling and not the real thing.

Between Peach Yummy and the peaches in caramel sauce from the San Francisco Dinner Party Cookbook, I am a peach convert.

I even grilled some peaches with a pesto chicken earlier this week. I have a few more in my fruit bowl. Yinz got any good peach recipes?


View Comments

  • Save for the cat and the drinks, you're living my life. Every day I wake with a cough because I have to sleep with either the fan or air condition on, yet I'm convinced - at least until noon - that I've got this thing and I'm doomed. Going back to school next month will probably doom me, anyway, but I hope not.

    This sounds like it would be good served still warm with some homemade vanilla ice cream. At least, that's what my brain is telling me.

  • I have HORRIBLE allergies. I live in California, where we have yummy peaches and a massive Covid hot spot. I'm paranoid, and I'm going to make peach pie tonight. (I have a vet bill to bake off) But I may to peach yummy too, because I am a fool for streusel.

  • You're not alone in being convinced that everything could be Corona! I think I have some kind of mild allergy, as my throat gets scratchy occasionally during the summer. I can usually ignore it, but this year it keeps freaking me out! I also have episodes of sleep paralysis that make me feel like I can't breathe-- always scary, but usually at least I feel better once I wake up. Now, I lie there wondering if it's the onset of Corona virus. This is definitely not a good time for those of us with hypochondriac tendencies....

  • This looks delicious and I have a bunch of nectarines right now. I'm curious as to what other recipes are in the book (and the stories too!). My parents worked on both of President Carter's campaigns, so I'm surprised that my mom never picked up this cookbook.

    We used to have a VERY prolific peach tree (and an apricot of the same ilk) when I was growing up. Besides canning (usually with some brandy), jam, and fruit leather, my mom would make her version of cobbler. She'd peel and slice the fruit, mix it with a few tablespoons of white and brown sugar, some cinnamon, and squeeze or two of lemon. That would go into the bottom of a casserole and then she'd top the fruit with dollops of Bisquick biscuits (it HAD to be Bisquick). She'd top the biscuits with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar and then pop it all into the oven. The top of the biscuits were all crackly-crunchy from the sugar and the bottoms were a bit gooey and peachy (or apricotty) with the fruit juices soaking in -- such a great texture contrast. We'd have it with peach or vanilla ice cream on occasion, but that cobbler, warm from the oven, hit the spot even on its own.

    Thanks for the inspiration to travel down memory lane. : )

  • Em. You know how I love apricot. Do you think the peach yummy would work with 3 cups of sliced fresh Apricot?!? Is it worth a try? Let's talk.

  • Peach basil chicken, not sure where I got the recipe, but google would probably have it. Maybe too similar to your peach pesto chicken. I don't love peaches either.

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