Wiener Wednesday: Long John Silver Dogs (1978)


This 1978 cookbook is interesting because I cannot find find much information about it.

It is not be be confused with the classic American Woman’s Cookbook, first published in 1939. The author is Culinary Arts Institute Director Ruth Berolzheimer who also penned the Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedia, which has been reprinted numerous times since 1948.

You’re probably familiar with the Culinary Arts Institute softcover cookbooks which were published in the 1950’s. I assume that these were recipes pulled from the original Culinary Arts Encyclopedia and sorted into into categories.

500 Snacks was edited by Ruth and published in the ’40s.

But back to the 1978 cookbook.

Aside from the delightfully weird names of many of the dishes (Potato Salad-African Hot, Carrot Coins Beef Loaf, Camp-Out Soup), I am most entertained by the dedication:

Salesmen, thank you for your service

I chose this dish because of the name: Long John Silver Dogs.

I am sure that many of you, like me, had their brains go straight to this:

As someone who lives for a theme restaurant (and fried shrimp) I loved going to Long John’s. It was a rarity since my mum hated it.

So of course I assumed that the recipe would include seafood.

Well, that assumption was wrong.

The recipe gets its name because the frankfurters are wrapped up in tin foil before they are cooked.

I don’t have a grill so I just baked them on high heat.

It may not look like much, but this was a damn fine hot dog. It tasted almost exactly like a sausage, onion, and green pepper pizza. Therefore it was a WIN.

I also appreciated the dog being in its own little package–easy breezy clean up!

I endorse this recipe.

I’m looking for more Wiener Wednesday ideas! If you have a hot dog recipe (vintage preferred) that you’d like me to try–please email it to


View Comments

  • Heck yeah! I have a half a jar of pizza sauce from a week ago my husband used for something or other. My green pepper plants are producing peppers. This is culinary kismet in action here. Thanks!

  • Yep, you "reeled" me in. I was imagining hotdogs fried in a batter like fish fillets (I think that might be a recipe unto itself -- beer battered franks). This looks really good!

    Is there a particular brand of hotdog that you prefer? Apologies if you've mentioned it in a previous post and I've forgotten.

    • I should just beer batter some dogs.
      I do not have a preferred brand. I typically get whatever is on sale! I get uncured beef hot dogs through imperfect foods when they are available and those are pretty good.

  • Those dogs look tasty! And I also like the idea of easy cleanup. On another note, I've been so nostalgic lately and wish everything didn't have to change and become "modernized". I loved the old Long John Silver's restaurants and their decor (and McDonald's and Pizza Hut and and....sigh). I sometimes really wish time travel were possible :'(

    • My love of 1980s Pizza Hut has been well documented over on the FB page!
      I've been feeling the nostalgia, too.

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