turkey on skewers card

Help! I’m in Love with The Quarantine (ft. 161. Turkey on a Skewer)

turkey on skewers card

Time no longer means anything. I have absolutely no idea how long I’ve been under stay-at-home. You could tell me 8 weeks or 18 weeks and I’d nod my head and say “that sounds right.”

Confession: for as much as everyone wants to get things back to “normal,” I’m in no rush. I’m enjoying it.

The idea of going back to a standard 9 to 5 in an office is almost distressing (which I guess really don’t have to worry about at the moment considering my employment situation, but still). This has proven to me that I can do almost 100% of my job remotely. No commute. No wildly fluctuating HVAC tempereratures. No shared bathrooms. No suffering insufferable coworkers. No real pants.

This is my sabbatical.

I imagine saying that like Will Graham

I’m fine being trapped in my apartment! I like writing. I like menu planning. I like my cleaning schedule (Monday: laundry Tuesday: bathrooms, etc).  I like making breakfast, lunch, and dinner for Mr. Sauce.  I like taking walks. I like Thursday night zoom trivia. I like drinking beer in parks. I like having virtual Sunday happy hours with my parents, my brother, and sister in law.

I think this may be Stockholm Syndrome.

Whether it’s with The Quarantine or Governor Hogan, I do not know.

You had to do this. I know that this is for my own good. You’re not bad, You’re just misunderstood. I’m fine. I’m fine right here. Don’t make me leave.

Honestly, aside from seeing my family and friends, I’ve only missed bars and restaurants. But then I think about how disgusting a crowded bar is (yelling my order to a bartender? No thanks).

Now, I am sure that as summer creeps in I will completely resent this entire thing because I’ll have to wear a mask outdoors in the heat.

But in the meantime–I gotta go make lunch for Mr. Sauce. Today is BALTs.

P.S. I made No. 161 almost 5 months ago, and I didn’t take notes. So I cannot tell you with certainty how this turned out. But the skewers look pretty tasty, so I’ll mark this DiS meal as a win.

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14 thoughts on “Help! I’m in Love with The Quarantine (ft. 161. Turkey on a Skewer)

  1. I’m envious of all you people liking it. It is not at all easier to take care of my dad. It’s not easier to take care of me. I have lost a lot of work. I haven’t been hugged in months, except by the cat. Granted, the cat is pretty awesome. And she adores the quarantine.

    1. Cats love quarantine!
      I feel for you. I often think about how I’d be doing with all this if I still lived alone in my house. Nervous breakdown, perhaps?
      We’ll see how this plays out once my severance checks stop coming in and I try to secure unemployment benefits.
      Virtual hugs to you and yours.

      1. I keep seeing all these memes about how the cats are angry their people are home. I, however, get scolded terribly if I leave.

  2. I love my current life too, for the most part. I find that I’m a lot more relaxed if I don’t constantly have to interact with people. Interacting from a distance and on my own terms is so much better. The only things I really miss are going to antique malls/ thrift stores and picking out my own damn groceries. (I’ve been doing curbside pickup since the yahoos in my area don’t wear masks or do social distancing.)

    1. I have been going to the grocery store, but only the small one in my neighborhood. They limit the number of people in the store at one time and they’d totally not let someone in without a mask.
      I did some curbside pickup before then and, like you, I was bummed I didn’t get to pick my own out.

  3. I really miss working with the animals at the shelter, but I’m getting foster kittens this week, so that will help. I’ve been catching up on old movies and finding some good comedy online. Housework? Not so much; just the normal basics.

    Those turkey skewers look good. Hey, anything wrapped in bacon’s a plus, right? And a win for the Brussels sprouts — they look much more tasty than the green beans. Hope you and Mr. Sauce enjoyed your BLATs!

  4. I’m so glad somebody else said this out loud. I like living this way. I also have plenty to do. I can get my job done In less than 40 hours but nobody needs to know that.
    I enjoy making three meals a day For me and my DH.
    everything’s very calm. I feel a little bit like Aunt be on Andy Griffith.I love it

  5. I completely agree with you. Home is where I’m most comfortable and where I like to be. I’m never bored–plenty of good books to read, cleaning & de-cluttering, sewing, crochet, emails, FB etc. and exercising via You Tube. No time for boredom!

    1. I do an exercise video on YouTube every day. I like Leslie Sansone walking videos, Gina B, Fitness blender and body project. Do you have any to recommend?

      1. Ha! I do Leslie Sansone too but not every day. Our local YMCA has some good videos too. I just browse on YT till I find one that looks like I’ll survive it!

        1. I have a Leslie Sansone set that I used when I lost a bit of weight 10+ years ago. I may have to ramp it up again.

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