Scandia Danish Bloody Mary (1979)

I love working from home!!!!***

Or rather, not working from home.

Or maybe it’s working and not working from home.

Let me explain: I left my job of 10 years and am starting a new job on Monday. So I decided to take a week off in between for a “staycation.” For me working/not working from home means doing laundry and writing for DiS1972 with Lifetime movies in the background. 

But holy shit do these days make me feel productive! And I went out for a walk today. Just a walk. To nowhere. For no good reason. 

In addition to laundry (and running errands and taking care of Margot and cooking dinners for Mr. Sauce, and general just upkeep of the house) I have been writing like a crazy person. And also drinking Bloody Marys–research for the blog, of course!

Today’s experiment comes from the 1979 Benson & Hedges 100’s Presents Drink Recipes from 100 of the Greatest Bars. 

The recipe is a Danish Bloody Mary, created by Scandia, in LA. Like most of the bars/restaurants featured in these Benson & Hedges books, Scandia no longer exists.

It was established in 1947 by some Danish immigrants and was quite the spot in its heyday.

The menu is cool.

But we all know that, aside from the flaky fruit and/or cheese filled pastry, THIS is the best thing to come out of Denmark:

But I digress.

Aquavit in a Bloody Mary sounds downright weird. The only reason I have a bottle is because it was an ingredient in a Holiday Glogg I made years ago.

According to wikipedia: Akvavit gets its distinctive flavour from spices and herbs, and the dominant flavour must (according to the European Union) come from a distillate of caraway and/or dill seed.

Caraway and dill! So, thinking back to the Smirnoff Dill Mary, dill worked there, so maybe this Bloody Mary would be good!

It was not good.

That is, until it was.

As I drank it more, the better it tasted.

Maybe it took time for everything to meld. Maybe I just had to get past that I had aquavit in tomato juice. Or maybe it was because I hadn’t eaten lunch yet and I got a lil’ buzz. 

2/5 on the Tomato Scale

***So, seriously, how do I get a work-from-home gig? Or at least a work-from-home-sometimes gig?


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8 thoughts on “Scandia Danish Bloody Mary (1979)

  1. Reading in 2023 about you begging for a work from home gig in early 2020 has a distinct Monkey’s Paw feel to it.

      1. For the past week, I’ve been spending my Insomnia Time ™ reading your entire blog from day one. I’m still somewhere in 2021 at the moment, so I’m not sure how things worked out, but I *really* hope you’ve found a job by now.
        This blog has me periodically laughing out loud and scaring my poor husband by threatening to serve him some abomination featuring hot dogs and/or gelatin, so thanks for that!

        1. I did find a job. LOL!
          I am so glad that I’m entertaining you during your insomnia. As someone who struggles with sleep–I feel you.

  2. I had the privilege to eat at Scandia in the pre- and post-transition periods. I will definitely vouch for the late 60s/early 70s Scandia food — especially the desserts! Alas, I was too young to take advantage of the “over 21” bevvies (although several of the desserts were well-laced *hic*).

  3. Thank you so much for the link! What a place that must have been. Who knew wine caves were a “thing” even back then! :: )

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