Now, after the fever dream that was 197. Pork Chops and Scalloped Potatoes, I present a more conventional post–one that a revolves around the act of cooking and the food. I even took detailed, time-stamped notes like I used to back in the day.
Speaking of back in the day, I made this so long ago that I can tell you nothing about the specifics of this dish. You know how long ago? April. I made this is April.
Needless to say, I will just be transcribing my handwritten notes (with an aside or 2).
151. Baked Stuffed Redsnapper Fillets!
And. Away. We. GO!
Using flounder. No red snapper
no canned baby shrimp, so cooked up five of 21-25 shrimp
Cottage-fried potatoes. WTF is a cottage-fried potato?
Pg. 365 of BH&G New Cookbook.
1st Edition, 4th printing, 1953
(ed. note) I don’t have a picture of the recipe. But here it is:
Cook potatoes in jackets. Remove skins; slice or dice; fry in bacon drippings or other fat until brown and crisp, turning frequently. Add salt and pepper.
Potatoes in Jackets–is that a British term? I mean, it’s just a baked potato. I am going to use the timeline card and peel/cut when told to do so. Supposed to take 2 hours.
4:30 put potatoes in oven
4:31 cook shrimp
5:15 thawing fish. That’s like “cleaning.”
5:30 stuffing mix. Looks very eggy–needs more bread crumbs! Added 2 tbsp panko and sprinkle of herbs de provence
5:45 fish defrosted!
these fillets are so thin! I am using 2 fillets. One as base and the other to be split and stuffed with shrimp
6pm fish in oven–peel and cut potatoes
6:06 clean asparagus
6:15 OH. I apparently mixed steps. Fish should not be in yet. I put the fish in too early!
Cooking potato. Browning in garlic, olive oil.
Shit. Why did I do that?
I have water on stove ready to boil for asparagus.
6:18 some potatoes frying. Starting mock Hollandaise
6:25 Hollandaise on in a moment. 6 minutes on fish.
AAHHH (ed. note: I actually wrote AAHHH down)
6:35 Just put fish back in after basting with butter. It didn’t flake, although meat thermometer had it at like 180 degrees–that’s not possible. 180? A little more it goes. 5 minutes on timer.
Hell broke loose 10 minutes ago. Yelling at Mr. Sauce. SLICE THE BANANA FOR THE FRUIT SALAD!
6:42 running around for pics
6:50 sitting and eating
And there you have it.
Started at 4:30. Sat at 6:50. Not bad. And I tried with the photo. It’s funny how sad a flat-leaf parsley garnish looks.
Like I said, I don’t remember shit about this dinner. It was 5 months ago–about when Mr. Sauce was officially moving into DiS1972 Headquarters.
That was a loooong time ago. What have I been doing in the past 5 months that I’m only getting to this one now?