Every time I hear “Crepes Suzette” I think of the theme song to the Patty Duke Show.
I feel for you, girl. A hot dog makes me lose control, too.
So Crepes Suzette. What is there to say besides “yum?”
![Crepes Suzette DSCF5384[1]](https://i0.wp.com/dinnerisserved1972.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/dscf53841-e1374755166739.jpg?resize=384%2C512)
Don’t get too excited, not ALL of the crepes were made.
![Crepes Suzette Recipe DSCF5385[1]](https://i0.wp.com/dinnerisserved1972.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/dscf53851-e1374755181166.jpg?resize=384%2C512)
So sue me.
I had this as a breakfast/brunch. And yes, I do think that it is an acceptable breakfast food. It’s just a crepe. With booze. Lots and lots of delicious orange-tinted booze. And butter.
It qualifies as a breakfast food because French crepes are one of the international pancakes at the International House of Pancakes. Or at least it used to be. Looks like the only thing they have left from the original International menu is the Swedish Crepes. They totally abandoned the idea of “A Whole Wide World to Choose From…”

I don’t know what year this place mat/menu was printed. But this is what I’m gathering: Spaghetti = Italy. Fish & chips = England. Blintzes = NYC? Seriously, where do blintzes come from? Regardless, they no longer serve them. And that was one of the reasons to go to the International House of Pancakes! No more, blintzes, IHOP? You bitches.
And no, having quesadillas and Belgian waffles doesn’t make you “international.”
But anyhoo, let’s get to the actual crepes.
Look at that! Not only did the crepes flipped, when they did they were gorgeous!
So, then there is the dipping of the crepes into the butter:
When the booze first went up, I screamed a little. I was afraid I was gonna take my eyebrows off.
#118 was really good. And not too sweet, which is good if it’s being served for breakfast.
So yes, crepe deliciousness! But something really special happened on this day.
This day will go down as the Day When Emily First Tried Scrapple.

I loved it. It can best be described as a delicious hybrid of fried mush (Whutup, Bob Evans!) and pork sausage. How did it take me so long to try it? I can’t believe that I never had it before! No, scratch that. I can believe it because I grew up on the other side of Pennsylvania. There was no scrapple.
As I’m writing this, I could really go for some right now. Totally. It had crispy brown edges and that mushy center. I guess the preparation was what one would do with SPAM.
Hm. Maybe sometime soon I’ll give the SPAM and eggs a shot. You know scrapple must be good if it’s enough to make me consider going SPAM.
Actually, I’ve already reconsidered. No SPAM.
***This is neither here nor there, but I want to point out that is not my stove top. I don’t want any of you to think that I would ever let my stove top get to that point.
[…] how easy it was! The food processor made this soooo easy. This is the same recipe that was used in 118. Crepes Suzette (which I didn’t make. Some guy did). It helped that I bought myself a little non-stick […]
[…] Crepes Suzette (dinnerisserved1972.com) […]
Apparently “said boy” liked to cook right on the stovetop? Who needs pot & pans… woman!?
Oh, Rusty. It is comments like yours that keep me blogging.
See…that’s *sarcasm*
OMG! IHOP totally has Sweetish crepes and blintzes, your IHOP sucks. And thinly sliced spam fried up good and crispy is good with over easy eggs and rice, my BF has it every weekend and he always cooks up an extra piece of spam for me now. I hated it but it smells so good cooking that I kept trying it and now with any drug I am hooked. Oh and btws I am doing crepes next week as a get crap out of the freeze month. we are like this >, hope that makes any sense.
I need to have a get the crap out of the freezer month. I’m definitely going to make a congee soon with the chicken breasts I have in my freezer.
I’m gonna try the SPAM. Good luck with your crepes!
I was about to call bullshit on the whole crepe preparation thing, because I knew that wasn’t your stove. Clearly there’s a backstory here that you’re not sharing with us…
Veg, see my reply to Jenny’s comment above. That’s the backstory.
Laughing out loud here in London. I was thinking to myself, “By Jove, seeing Yinzerella’s filthy hob makes me feel much better about how skanky mine is”. Then I read your teeny, tiny small print!
Are you making breakfast pancakes at a BOY’S HOUSE?
I have absolutely no idea what Scrapple is. The thing beside your bacon?
Yes, the scrapple is the sliced loaf-y thing next to the bacon.
There are so many things I’d send to you in the UK if I just got off my lazy ass. Although I don’t know if scrapple would ship well. Probably not. I think it needs to be refrigerated.
Yes, yes, a boy’s house. But I am no longer talking to said boy (see post about canapes and manic episode).
Emily, love crepes thanks for posting
have you ever tried Goetta, its easy to make and you fry it crispy like scrapple 
I have heard of goetta. But I really have no idea what it is. Do you have a recipe?