The birthday party rolls on! I made a punch for my birthday. Because of course I did. This recipe is from the Playboy Host & Bar Book by Thomas Mario (1971 edition). Angostura bitters? Check. But the Safeway didn’t have lemon sherbet. Because of course they don’t. I bought pineapple. I don’t know how muchContinue reading Playboy Champagne Sherbet Punch
Tag: vintage cocktails
Gin is It! (3 Gin Cocktails)
My darlings! I have been neglecting my blog. There are many reasons why, which are too many to go through right now, but please know that although I haven’t written as of late, I have many delightful dishes to share with you in the future (see photo, right). But first, cocktails! Due to parties andContinue reading Gin is It! (3 Gin Cocktails)
Ramp-O-Rama: Ramp Gibson
I asked you, gentle readers, for ideas on what to do with the rest of my pickled ramps, and you gave them to me (thank you!). One of the suggestions–and how the hell did it never occur to me to do this? –was make a COCKTAIL! So here it is, a Ramp Gibson. Ramp GibsonContinue reading Ramp-O-Rama: Ramp Gibson
#TheMorningAfter Bloody Marys
Hello, fellow Mad Men fans! Still recovering from last night’s finale? Well, here is a restorative libation to ease you into your Monday morning. I made two versions from two different cookbooks. Pick whichever suits your liking! The first is from the Playboy’s Host & Bar Book (1971) written by Thomas Mario. (If you wantContinue reading #TheMorningAfter Bloody Marys
Irish Cheer (One Day Late)
Well, on St. Patrick’s Day I posted the recipe for the drink that I was going to make that night, the Irish Cheer:Which I did, as promised, make on Tuesday night. But I was tired, so I didn’t post it until today. Whatever. Don’t hate me. Now, let me note that I was rather skepticalContinue reading Irish Cheer (One Day Late)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Seems like a lot of people plan on celebrating tonight, at least based on the number of folks who have checked out my recipe for Corned Beef & Cabbage in the past week or so. I will be celebrating tonight as well (although I am not the least bit Irish!), with some friends. Rick isContinue reading Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Happy Mint Julep Day!
Logically, it seems as though Kentucky Derby Day should be Mint Julep Day. But I guess since the Derby is on a different day every year…? Anyway, according to our friends at Foodimentary, it’s Mint Julep Day! I think I’ve only ever had a proper julep once. When I lived in Richmond, VA. There isContinue reading Happy Mint Julep Day!
Beverage Bonus: The Liberace
This is a Throwback Thursday of sorts. I was sick yesterday, so I was home, high on Dayquil and napping. I thought that it would be a good time to start watching House of Cards, but WOW that knocked me out. I’ve heard such good things, I guess I’ll have to give it another try,Continue reading Beverage Bonus: The Liberace
Beverage Bonus: Tom Collins (Vodka Collins)
So for the last snow day that I had, I had already exhausted all of the rum (actually, I take that back–I still have some dark rum in the cabinet above my fridge. Speaking of which, is that where everyone keeps their booze? Or was that just my parents–and now me?) But I digress. TheContinue reading Beverage Bonus: Tom Collins (Vodka Collins)
Beverage Bonus: Dark and Fizzy
Let’s go back a couple weeks ago to the first snow day, which from henceforth will be known as Rum Day–so not this Monday when I was home again from work (this week was vodka). After making the Bacardi Cocktail and the Mary Pickford, we’re at the point of the snow day where I justContinue reading Beverage Bonus: Dark and Fizzy
Beverage Bonus: The Mary Pickford
It’s snowing again here. But only a few inches. Not enough for cancellation. Or delay (I really could have gone for a delay–I stayed up too late watching season 1 of Hannibal in anticipation of its return on Friday night. Dude, this show is SO good). But if you are somewhere today where it isContinue reading Beverage Bonus: The Mary Pickford
Beverage Bonus: Bacardi Cocktail
So two weeks ago when the East Coast was hit (yet again) with a bit of a snow storm and (yet again) I had a day where I was trapped at home. I spent my day doing what I’m sure a lot of other people in Baltimore did—I donned my velour, leopard-print caftan, binge-watched TheContinue reading Beverage Bonus: Bacardi Cocktail
Beverage Bonus: Tequila Sunrise
Yesterday, during the winter storm, I thought that I could use a little ray of sunshine. Yeah, that’ll do the trick! How lucky am I that I just happened to have orange juice, grenadine, and tequila on hand? I was still drinking from this bottle of tequila that Mr. Buckeye brought back from Mexico back inContinue reading Beverage Bonus: Tequila Sunrise
Four Roses Eggnog & Weenie Wreath (2013 Version)
After two years of brewing up some Holiday Glogg for Christmas Eve, I decided to switch things up a bit and make eggnog from scratch. After looking through some of my cookbooks, I decided on this recipe, which was taped onto the eggnog pages in my copy of The Savoy Cocktail Book. I have noContinue reading Four Roses Eggnog & Weenie Wreath (2013 Version)
Happy Applejack Month!
Applejack? For those not in the know, it is an apple brandy. I’ve only ever used it once and it was in this recipe that I made for a party a couple of years ago. But this recipe was so successful, and Applejack is such a random ingredient, that I thought I would share itContinue reading Happy Applejack Month!
109. Eggs Bechemel
I love that there are brunch cards in the DiS! set. Why? Because when else is it socially acceptable–nay expected!–to start drinking at noon? Only at brunch! Well, and also maybe at football tailgating, but that’s not in my wheelhouse. I have spent many a Sunday over at Manny’s house, sipping sangria on his porchContinue reading 109. Eggs Bechemel
Happy National Whiskey Sour Day!
I must admit that the first person I think of when I think of Whiskey Sours is my cousin Jimmy. Back in the early 90s (was it that long ago?) at my cousin Suzanne’s wedding (that’s his older sister), he caught the garter belt which he had to put on his other sister, Janice, whoContinue reading Happy National Whiskey Sour Day!
Happy National Mai Tai Day!
Aloha, darlings! It might be National Mai Tai Day, but why limit ourselves to just one island delight? The Tiki Lounge is open! Pick your poison and order up in the comments–I want a Pina Passion. It comes in a fresh pineapple!!! *The Mai-Kai Restaurant still operates in Ft. Lauderdale. Click HERE to see their currentContinue reading Happy National Mai Tai Day!