Today is National Corn Chip Day, so here is a tasty dish that’s perfect to scarf down with a bag of Tostitos. Mr. Sauce got this cookbook for me as a little present last year because: Baltimore. I don’t know what year this is from, but based the cover on the inclusion of recipes suchContinue reading The Potters’ Guild of Baltimore Cookbook: Lynn Perlin’s Taco Dip
Tag: Seinfeld
Wiener Wednesday: Mexican Franks & Eggs (1965) and Montezuma Bloody Maria (1974)
We’ve come to the end of the Summer of Franks! And let me tell you, it couldn’t come soon enough. Bring on fall! And bring on dishes that don’t include cylindrical-shaped foods! For the very last Wiener Wednesday, I turned to Click Americana and One-Dish Frankfurter Meals. I was feeling a little spicy, so IContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Mexican Franks & Eggs (1965) and Montezuma Bloody Maria (1974)
Florence Henderson’s “Wessonality” Chef Salad (1980)
If you follow me on social media, I know you that you know that Dinner is Served 1972 is going to appear this week on Food Network’s Chopped. But if you don’t follow me on social media–guess what? Dinner is Served 1972 is appearing on Chopped! The episode is called A Very Brady Chopped. SoContinue reading Florence Henderson’s “Wessonality” Chef Salad (1980)
151. Baked Stuffed Redsnapper Fillets
Now, after the fever dream that was 197. Pork Chops and Scalloped Potatoes, I present a more conventional post–one that a revolves around the act of cooking and the food. I even took detailed, time-stamped notes like I used to back in the day. Speaking of back in the day, I made this so long agoContinue reading 151. Baked Stuffed Redsnapper Fillets
191. Grasshopper Pie
In anticipation for next month’s 5th Annual Pieathalon I present to you another card from the DiS1973 card series—191. Grasshopper Pie. I made this pie to cap off dinner 158. Beef Wellington which I made for The Lost Family Dinner Party. I made card 191 as easy as I could (easy as pie!) by purchasingContinue reading 191. Grasshopper Pie
The Potters’ Guild of Baltimore Cookbook Taco Dip
So last week I started watching The Wire with Mr. Sauce. I was hesitant to watch it for so long because: Baltimore. But I figured that after 8 years, I should finally watch it. It took me a few eps, but now I’m in it to win it. I think this scene sealed the dealContinue reading The Potters’ Guild of Baltimore Cookbook Taco Dip
186. Chocolate Ripple Coffee Cake (with Canadian Bacon)
My Celebration of Canadian Food Stuffs rolls on with card 186, which features Canadian Bacon. First, let me tell you about the Canadian bacon. Mr. Sauce, Esq. and I wanted to be all autumnal back in October and do a corn-maze/pumpkin picking day. We found a little farm in Woodstock, MD called Strohmer’s. WeContinue reading 186. Chocolate Ripple Coffee Cake (with Canadian Bacon)
Esquire Cook-Book Romaine Salad (1955)
I received a copy of the Esquire Cook-Book as a Christmas gift last year (thanks, mum!) Now, mine didn’t have it, but here is the original book jacket: So, yes, being Esquire, it is directed to men. To teach them the basics of cooking and entertaining, not much different than the The Playboy Gourmet (1977)and Playboy’sContinue reading Esquire Cook-Book Romaine Salad (1955)
Gin is It! (3 Gin Cocktails)
My darlings! I have been neglecting my blog. There are many reasons why, which are too many to go through right now, but please know that although I haven’t written as of late, I have many delightful dishes to share with you in the future (see photo, right). But first, cocktails! Due to parties andContinue reading Gin is It! (3 Gin Cocktails)
Orioles Magic Cheese Ball
So, did ya hear that the Baltimore Orioles have made it to the American League Championship Series? Baltimore is buzzing with excitement over the prospect of the team making it to the World Series. The city is awash in orange (even the Ravens’ football stadium). Everyone is wearing jerseys and tees and showing their civicContinue reading Orioles Magic Cheese Ball
Oh Hell NOKCupid
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? The last time I treated you to tales of my dating woe was The DejaDate back in March. I know how much you love hearing about my OKCupid dates, so I opened my good ol’ datebook and looked back to see what I’ve been up to since then. Now weContinue reading Oh Hell NOKCupid
Happy National Ravioli Day!
You know, every once in a while I just have a hankering for a can of Chef Boyardee Meat Ravioli. Or, ‘labbyloobies’ as my elementary school friend, Jessica, would call them. I have no idea why in the hell she called them that. But whatever you call them, they are delicious. In that gross, schoolContinue reading Happy National Ravioli Day!
BH&G Cooking for Two: Steak Night–Indoors
This dinner, from Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two, is one that I made a long time ago. Like months and months and months ago and never had anything much to say about it. And now—–well, I still don’t have anything to say about it. Holy crap, it is terribly difficult for me toContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Steak Night–Indoors