I know that because of my relatively high hot dog consumption, you’re all worried that I’m gonna get butt cancer from all those nitrate and nitrate-ridden weenies. But I found a butt cancer-free alternative that is tasty and is not one of those tofu dogs–I mean, doesn’t that sound like the worst? Tofu dogs! ThroughContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Relay Foods Roly Polys
Tag: salad
National Jell-O Week: The Thrilling Conclusion!
I’ve had so much fun with National Jell-O Week that I don’t want it to end. And it doesn’t have to!!! Ms. Surly at Vintage Recipe Cards just threw down the gauntlet and double-dog dared me to make this dish, the Pineapple-Cucumber Salad: I’m not one to turn down a Double Dog Dare. Plus, I feelContinue reading National Jell-O Week: The Thrilling Conclusion!
National Jell-O Week!
I really need to mark the 2nd week of February on my calendar because this is the second time that National Jell-O Week has snuck up on me! I am woefully unprepared. Again. I will attempt to make numerous jiggly treats this week to share with you; but in the meantime, get in the spirit of the seasonContinue reading National Jell-O Week!
87. Veal Parmigiano (Veal Cutlets Parmesan)
So, I picked up a guy at jury duty. No, really. I shit you not. Yeah, I was called in back in October (yes, that’s how far behind I am with the blog). It’s not the best way to spend a day, but it could’ve been worse. They showed It’s Complicated starring Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin,Continue reading 87. Veal Parmigiano (Veal Cutlets Parmesan)
Leftovers! Pittsburgh-Style Prime Rib Salad
Post-Christmas we all have a lot of leftovers–my family always ends up with lots of cookies, pies, ham and PRIME RIB. This year was no exception. So I drove back from Pittsburgh with a giant hunk of delicious beef in the trunk of my car. But what to do with it once I got itContinue reading Leftovers! Pittsburgh-Style Prime Rib Salad
Wiener Wednesday: Tessie O’Shea’s Frankfurter Chutney Salad
Finally! A salad that incorporates Hot Dogs. This is exactly what Wiener Wednesday was missing. This recipe was sent to me from UK–suggested by Jenny of Silver Screen Suppers and Vincentennial Cooking (go visit her blogs because they are fabulous and historical. Plus, don’t you want to make Alfred Hitchcock’s Quiche Lorraine or Marilyn Monroe’sContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Tessie O’Shea’s Frankfurter Chutney Salad
Happy Labor Day!
Greetings and salutations, darlings! I’m going to take a little time off for the holiday, so you won’t see me here or on the Facebook page until late next week. I know that it will be hard, but don’t miss me too much. I promise that I’ll return. In the meantime, I want to giveContinue reading Happy Labor Day!
58. Scandinavian Fish Scallop
I had been looking forward to #58 for quite a while. It’s not every day you take on a recipe that includes canned fish balls as an ingredient, amiright? Plus, you can sing “fish balls” to this little ditty (starts at 2:10). Fish balls, fish balls, roly poly fish balls. Fish balls, fish balls, eatContinue reading 58. Scandinavian Fish Scallop
33. Liver a la Gourmet
I have no idea why I have been unable to write this post. It’s been completely piecemeal, stops and starts, a line here, a line there, and then just apathy. This dinner turned out pretty good, and liver is such a fun subject, but I haven’t been inspired to write about it. Eventually I justContinue reading 33. Liver a la Gourmet
105. Tuna Salad 3 Way
The title should read “3 ways,” but the typo was so funny it had to stay. Tuna Salad Three Way sounds like some bizarro porn that you would never want to watch. I am not afraid that now I’ll get weird hits on my blog; I already do. And nothing will ever top “Facebook Sluts Toledo Ohio.” NowContinue reading 105. Tuna Salad 3 Way
7. Calico Potato Salad
The lovely people at Arganica gave me a free mixed produce crate to work my magic on and give their subscribers some ideas on what to do with the massive quantities of delicious produce that arrives on their doorstep. And Dinner is Served! was a great starting point for me to make a dish forContinue reading 7. Calico Potato Salad
Friday Fail: Caesar Salad Parmesan Cups
Don’t get too excited. I didn’t make those, but aren’t these just the cutest things ever? Caesar Salad in a crispy Parmesan shells! I love Caesar Salad so these piqued my interest immediately. The dish was sold as easy and simple and elegant. And, well, with the exception of the anchovy paste, I already hadContinue reading Friday Fail: Caesar Salad Parmesan Cups
Steak Mad Men (Steak Diane)
Ah, after almost a year and a half the time had finally arrived for the return of Don Draper. While thousands of people across the nation were hosting Mid-Century Modern Man Men parties in honor of this glorious occasion, Cleve and I celebrated in a more low-key manner with a Mad Men Tete-a-tete. Hosting a Mad Men-themedContinue reading Steak Mad Men (Steak Diane)
64. Ham and Cheese Fondue
When I returned to Baltimore from Christmas in Pittsburgh, I did so with a big ziploc bag full of Xmas Eve ham. One woman can eat only so many ham sandwiches so I cubed a large portion and put it in the freezer for later use. And I did find a use for it–in #64 HamContinue reading 64. Ham and Cheese Fondue
51. New England Patriots Clam Chowder and Cheese-Beer Bread
Championship Sunday. The best Sunday of the year. Seriously. Unless the Steelers are in the Super Bowl, I don’t get too invested. Super Bowl Sunday is more about commercials and half-time shows. Non-football people watch the Super Bowl. It all detracts from the game. Hence, Championship Sunday is a far superior football day. There areContinue reading 51. New England Patriots Clam Chowder and Cheese-Beer Bread
40. Beef Pizza
11 days ago, for Thursday Night Football, my beloved Steelers took on their bitter rivals (real rivals, none of that B’more Ravens bullshit) the Cleveland Browns. I selected #40 Beef Pizza because it is a football-appropriate meal. Cleve and I invited our friends, Leah & Todd who are Ohioans and Browns supporters. An aside–the lastContinue reading 40. Beef Pizza
39. Bettan’s Chicken
I looked up ‘Bettan’s Chicken’ to see why it is named as such or what history there may be. But apparently there is none. I don’t know who the hell Bettan is or why this is his chicken. It sounds vaguely Middle Eastern to me so I imagine that it should be cooked in anContinue reading 39. Bettan’s Chicken
90. Scallops in Chafing Dish
This was a fail. Is it wrong for me to just, right off the bat, say that? Does that just kill the suspense and you’ll stop reading right now? Well, I’ll take that chance. Let’s see how I got there. #90 started out promisingly because I had another lovely produce crate from Arganica. I usedContinue reading 90. Scallops in Chafing Dish