So, is it as hot wherever you are as it is here? We’re enjoying another Code Red Heat Alert Day here in Baltimore City. That basically means that no matter what you do, as soon as you get outside–you’re gonna have swamp ass. Triple degree heat indexes for everyone! I am currently enjoying central AC,Continue reading BH&G All-Time Favorite Salad Recipes: Crab-Stuffed Avocados (1984)
Tag: salad
188. Mediterranean Salad (BOOM!)
This is a perfect meal for summer weather–because the most cooking that it calls for is the boiling of some eggs and potatoes (you could just buy those tiny canned potatoes). This is also the perfect meal for me to talk about the a movie I just watched–1968’s BOOM! starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. AndContinue reading 188. Mediterranean Salad (BOOM!)
BH&G Barbecue Book: Blue Cheese Slaw (1967)
So, is everyone else already over summer or is it just me? No? You summer-lovers are a mystery to me. I am NOT a fan of the season. Sun. Heat. Sweat. Bugs. It’s been in the mid 90s for almost a week and it looks like there’s no end in sight. I hate it. IContinue reading BH&G Barbecue Book: Blue Cheese Slaw (1967)
Joan Crawford’s Spinach Salad
Hi, kittens! Welcome to DiS1972! Since it’s Sunday, and tonight I’ll be watching FEUD: Bette & Joan on FX, I’m serving up another one of Joan Crawford’s recipes. This one comes from an article in the November 1, 1965 issue of Vogue. The article features a number of recipes, but since I already had spinachContinue reading Joan Crawford’s Spinach Salad
Joan Crawford’s French Banana Salad (1928)
Last week everyone went completely bonkers for both the premiere of Feud: Bette & Joan and for Joan Crawford’s Danti-Chips, so I decided to make a dish for episode 2! Here is one of Joan’s favorite recipes, originally published in a 1928 article titled “Soup, Salad and Dessert: They Make or Mar the Meal” from an issueContinue reading Joan Crawford’s French Banana Salad (1928)
Esquire Cook-Book Romaine Salad (1955)
I received a copy of the Esquire Cook-Book as a Christmas gift last year (thanks, mum!) Now, mine didn’t have it, but here is the original book jacket: So, yes, being Esquire, it is directed to men. To teach them the basics of cooking and entertaining, not much different than the The Playboy Gourmet (1977)and Playboy’sContinue reading Esquire Cook-Book Romaine Salad (1955)
24-Hour Salad
I plucked a grey hair out of my left eyebrow this morning. This surprised me; although it should not, considering that for over five years, I dye my hair, not for fun, but out of necessity (I am sitting with light ash brown on my head right now as I type. No, seriously. I am sittingContinue reading 24-Hour Salad
Happy Labor Day 2015!
This is an updated version of a post that appeared in August, 2012. There are more delicious dishes than last time! Hi, darlings! I want to give you some ideas for your Labor Day cookouts, picnics, clam bakes, or whatever it is that you do to celebrate the labor of the, um, we remember theContinue reading Happy Labor Day 2015!
111. Broiled Fillet of Sole
Todd and Leah came to visit! For this special occasion, I decided to make a DiS!. Actually, scratch that. I was ordered to make a DiS! because Todd and Leah missed our Sunday dinners. And, since I’m a girl who can’t say no, I complied (also, I have to get through these damn cards by theContinue reading 111. Broiled Fillet of Sole
Uncle Bob’s Jell-O Salad
This was part of Casey’s Ham Loaf dinner. Which I haven’t written about yet. But I will. And then link back to this post so you’ll remember that THIS is the Jell-O that went with the loaf. Oh, how I have reservations with dishes that are made in loaf-form! Why loaf, why? But I digress.Continue reading Uncle Bob’s Jell-O Salad
Microwave Jack O’ Lantern Salad
Sorry I’ve been AWOL, kittens. But I do have a very good reason–I just moved into my very own house! The house is a work in progress. Very much a work in progress. In the second bedroom it looks a closet exploded–just clothes and clothes and clothes everywhere. And there are boxes filled with random shitContinue reading Microwave Jack O’ Lantern Salad
BH&G All-time Favorite Salad Recipes: Avocado and Egg Salad
The temperature has risen in a big way here, hence I’m not too keen on turning on my oven. So that means salads. Today I am gonna crack open a volume from my collection that I haven’t yet featured: the 1984 edition of Better Homes & Gardens All-Time Favorite Salad Recipes. And I can’t believe that it tookContinue reading BH&G All-time Favorite Salad Recipes: Avocado and Egg Salad
Impossible Green Bean Pie (My 300th Post!)
You know what seems utterly impossible? The fact that I’ve posted on this damn thing 300 times! The green bean pie? Well, that was a piece of cake. Or, um, pie. Whatever. Like all the other Impossible Pies in the Bisquick “No Time to Cook” Recipe Book (1982), this was easy. Well, with the exception ofContinue reading Impossible Green Bean Pie (My 300th Post!)
84. Grilled Hamburgers (with Lima Bean and Cucumber Salad)
I bring you CARD NUMBER EIGHTY-FOUR! Ok, that’s a lie. Leah actually brought card number 84. She made the burgers and the assorted toppings and the lima-bean cucumber salad. I just made the dessert, but I’ll get to that later. But since I just mentioned the assorted toppings, let me draw your attention to thatContinue reading 84. Grilled Hamburgers (with Lima Bean and Cucumber Salad)
BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatball Stroganoff
On Sunday morning I drove my buddy Mr. Buckeye* to the airport (lucky bitch flew to a Mexican resort for a week of sun, scuba, and margaritas while I’m here in Baltimore dealing with never ending body work on my car that was broken into. Two weeks ago. Color me pissed. But that is neither hereContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatball Stroganoff
Linguine Salad Supreme Light
It is so insanely hot here–and I assume that it’s hot where you are, too–that the last thing I want to do is write about a dish that would require any sort of baking/grilling/roasting/broiling. I am all about chilled foods at the moment. So here is a salad that can definitely be used as aContinue reading Linguine Salad Supreme Light
Watergate Salad
You might know this dish by other names: ambrosia, Pistachio Delight, green stuff–but I prefer Watergate Salad because, well, hello, all that Watergate shit went down in 1972! Watergate Salad is definitely a party dish, and, lucky for me, I was invited to one of the biggest events of the season–Retrofurn Ronny’s 50th Birthday Party!Continue reading Watergate Salad
Happy National Picnic Day: Potato Salad
Hola, friends! Happy National Picnic Day! This food holiday snuck up on me, so I don’t have anything brand-spankin’ new for you, but here’s a delicious dish from June 2011 that fits the bill. Perfect for picnics and cookouts, and it has BACON (and we all know that bacon makes everything better). Here it is,Continue reading Happy National Picnic Day: Potato Salad