I marinated the steak over night, but when it was time to cook dinner, I failed to read the entire recipe card (which is apparently a problem of mine as of late. Much like Alexia on the Real Housewives of Miami when she kept insisting that Adriana’s boyfriend is married because she didn’t scroll downContinue reading 131. Zippy Sirloin Strips
Tag: Real Housewives
179. Chicken Marengo
Before I get to 179. Chicken Marengo, I need to tell you about my new daily routine. It’s a life-changer. It’s called: I’ll Tell You How I’m Sleeping–Not Well Bitch! This is how it works: Phase I Fall asleep (typically with the lights and tv on and still wearing glasses) Have significant other wake youContinue reading 179. Chicken Marengo
Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (1958)
Greetings and salutations, it’s another Wiener Wednesday! This week’s recipe is from Good Housekeeping’s Hamburger & Hot Dog Book (1958). I was ecstatic when I found a copy. It has HOT DOG in the title! If the tagline “Novel Uses for America’s Favorite Meats” isn’t enough to get you excited, the acknowledgements at the startContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (1958)
164. Sauteed Trout Almondine
It’s National Nut Day! So here is a dish that features almonds, Sauteed Trout Almondine. However, my version of Sauteed Trout Almondine contained neither trout nor almonds. I know, I know, I know. That totally negates the entire purpose of the dish. I couldn’t find trout! So I pivoted. The traditional Almondine (actually, Amondine–we AmericanizedContinue reading 164. Sauteed Trout Almondine
Jose Cuervo Scapulada (1976)
Happy National Tequila Day! Are you a fan of Tequila? I was never a big tequila fan (with the exception of a margarita now and then at a Mexican restaurant). But in the past few years it’s grown on me. Also, I feel like tequila is everywhere. Or maybe not. Perhaps I just watchContinue reading Jose Cuervo Scapulada (1976)
178. Calico Stuffed Peppers
FUN FACT: as of June 30 I am unemployed. Yeah, only 2 weeks into the job they sent us to work remotely, and then 2 months later they decided to shutter the school. Permanently. So here I am, shit out of luck. Mr. Sauce, Esq. said that I had jinxed myself with theĀ “I hateContinue reading 178. Calico Stuffed Peppers
144. Macaroni-Beef Topsy Turvy
I know that I start so many of my posts with “sorry I haven’t posted in so long, but…[insert reason here]. But I don’t particularly have a reason this time. None. I can’t even come up with one. This made me think of my friend Richard. He has always told me that I’m an nihilist.Continue reading 144. Macaroni-Beef Topsy Turvy
Coupe Jacques (1965)
Since Countess LuAnn did not go to jail for violating terms of her parole, my mum and I saw her #countessandfriends cabaret show at theĀ Warner Theater in DC on June 7.Ā Because it was a sparkling wine-soaked event, I am sharing with you the dessert from my Easter dinner–the Coupe Jacques–which is a fruitContinue reading Coupe Jacques (1965)
151. Baked Stuffed Redsnapper Fillets
Now, after the fever dream that was 197. Pork Chops and Scalloped Potatoes, I present a more conventional post–one that a revolves around the act of cooking and the food. I even took detailed, time-stamped notes like I used to back in the day. Speaking of back in the day,Ā I made this so long agoContinue reading 151. Baked Stuffed Redsnapper Fillets
139. Tostada Dinner
Obligatory Cinco de Mayo post!!! Does this even qualify as a tostada? How can this be considered a tostada? A tostada is like a flat taco. Not Fritos with ground beef slathered on it. With this dish, the beef doesn’t even go on top of them. The chips are around them. Speaking of the beef,Continue reading 139. Tostada Dinner
172. Chicken Breasts, French Style
Hello! My friends, how I’ve missed you!Ā I’ve never neglected the blog for so many weeks at a time (I’m not going to count the last post). Right now I’ll just blame my neglect on the fact that I have been busy moving Mr. Sauce into my apartment. And I don’t remember much about 172,Continue reading 172. Chicken Breasts, French Style
It’s National Seafood Bisque Day!
In honor of today being National Seafood Bisque Day, I am presenting to you an UPDATED & REVISED version of this post, which appeared on DiS1972 exactly one year ago today…. Back in June 2016, I was at the wedding of two of my dear friends Erin & Anthony. At my assigned table it wasContinue reading It’s National Seafood Bisque Day!
Twin Peaks Eats: Black As Midnight Cocktail
All Twin Peaks fans–(what are we Peakers? Like Trekkies or Fannibals? Someone tell me, please)–know exactly how Dale Cooper likes his coffee: So I have whipped up a cocktail that is not only as black as midnight on a moonless night, but as dark as Evil Coop’s soul. Speaking of which, what are we callingContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Black As Midnight Cocktail
Playboy Gourmet Cold Bisque of Shrimp Soup (1977)
Back in June I was at the wedding of two of my dear friends Erin & Anthony. At my assigned table it was me, my date, Dan & Jon, some people I didn’t know, and my friend Evan and his date. Anyway, the wedding ceremony is all said and done and we are getting allContinue reading Playboy Gourmet Cold Bisque of Shrimp Soup (1977)
71. Seafood Crepes
The march to the end of DiS! 1972 continues with 71. Seafood Crepes. And it is a march because I want to get all of these done by March 1st and I am rather without inspiration. And I have no stories (dating or otherwise) to tell. But it is National Drink Wine Day! LET’S PARTY!!!Continue reading 71. Seafood Crepes
Is Your Date Behind This Door?
In a word: no. I owe you all a dating post. So away we go! (all gifs from RealityTVGIFS.comĀ one of my most fave blogs) On a fine summer evening I went out on a lovely wine bar date with a guy who lived out in the county. He was nice, polite, all those things. ButContinue reading Is Your Date Behind This Door?
Summer Sangria! (and a very special announcement)
It’s my 400th post!!!!Well, who the hell ever thought I’d get this far? Not me!Ā For my 400th post, I wanted it to be a very special post. And it IS a very special post! But first, let’s get a little recipe out of the way. This is my Super Summer Sangria. Which I also turnedContinue reading Summer Sangria! (and a very special announcement)
Oh Hell NOKCupid
It’s been a while, hasn’t it?Ā The last time I treated you to tales of my dating woe was The DejaDate back in March. I know how muchĀ you love hearing about my OKCupid dates, so I opened my good ol’ datebook and looked back to see what I’ve been up to since then. Now weContinue reading Oh Hell NOKCupid