What was special about 79? It wasn’t the food–because I kinda shit the bed on the Sauce Bearnaise. It’s that the photography was much improved! No, not that photography–because that, dear friends, is pretty standard (although now I think that the blurry card photos are part of the blog’s charm). It’s this photography: Because thereContinue reading 79. Beef Medallions (Sauce Bearnaise)
Tag: potato
Liza Minnelli’s Potato Shells (1970)
Happy Birthday, Liza! On March 12, Liza With a Z! will turn 70. Seventy!!! To celebrate one of DiS!’s most favorite-ist people ever, I whipped up LIZA MINNELLI’S POTATOE SHELLS. Yes, potatoe shells. I first found the recipe online from the April 9, 1970 edition of the Victoria Advocate. They misspelled her name. Do they spellContinue reading Liza Minnelli’s Potato Shells (1970)
70. Roast Beef (Standing Rib)
For Christmas Day, the fam and I did what we have done every year since whenever it was we retired the goose. We made a big ol’ Prime Rib. I really love Prime Rib. Prime Rib. Huh. So they (whoever the hell THEY is) say that women in their 30s are supposedly in their “sexualContinue reading 70. Roast Beef (Standing Rib)
111. Broiled Fillet of Sole
Todd and Leah came to visit! For this special occasion, I decided to make a DiS!. Actually, scratch that. I was ordered to make a DiS! because Todd and Leah missed our Sunday dinners. And, since I’m a girl who can’t say no, I complied (also, I have to get through these damn cards by theContinue reading 111. Broiled Fillet of Sole
27. Swedish Meatballs (Readers’ Choice)
Snow day! Snow day! Snow day! Yeah, here in Baltimore we are getting hit by quite the winter (spring?) storm. And everything is closed. EVERYTHING. It is supposed to snow until 5pm tonight, but look at what I’ve got outside my window before noon: My street doesn’t even look like a street. I don’t think I’llContinue reading 27. Swedish Meatballs (Readers’ Choice)
Better Homes & Gardens Barbecue Book: Whipped Butters
I know, you’re probably thinking. It’s December, why are you sharing a recipe from a barbecue cookbook? Well, kittens, these are an absolute treat. And they can be enjoyed anytime of the year. These are flavored, whipped butters that are equally delicious on steaks, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, or any sort of vegetable. IContinue reading Better Homes & Gardens Barbecue Book: Whipped Butters
Elvis’ Country Kitchen Soup & Mustard Greens with Potatoes (Southern Style)
Hello, friends! Today’s post is rather fitting for Martin Luther King Day—Dr. King was quite the influence on Elvis Presley; it was MLK’s death only two months prior to the NBC broadcast of Elvis (a.k.a. the 1968 Comeback Special) that inspired “If I Can Dream,” the closing number. In fact, direct quotes from Dr. King are included in theContinue reading Elvis’ Country Kitchen Soup & Mustard Greens with Potatoes (Southern Style)
Happy National Picnic Day: Potato Salad
Hola, friends! Happy National Picnic Day! This food holiday snuck up on me, so I don’t have anything brand-spankin’ new for you, but here’s a delicious dish from June 2011 that fits the bill. Perfect for picnics and cookouts, and it has BACON (and we all know that bacon makes everything better). Here it is,Continue reading Happy National Picnic Day: Potato Salad
Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dogs on the Rocks
This sounds like a good one, right? I found this recipe late one night while traipsing across the internet. The site is Retro Food for Modern Times, which featured a little gem of a cookbook called Singers & Swingers in the Kitchen: The Scene-Makers Cook Book (1967). “Dozens of nutty, turned-on, easy-to-prepare recipes from the grooviestContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dogs on the Rocks
Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Soup
Welcome to another Wiener Wednesday! This is extra-special because you, gentle readers, took to the polls to determine this week’s dish. After the votes had been counted, Hot Dog Soup was elected your frankfurter dish of choice with just under 50% of the votes. I am not surprised since it was the most dubious soundingContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Soup
Leftovers! Pittsburgh-Style Prime Rib Salad
Post-Christmas we all have a lot of leftovers–my family always ends up with lots of cookies, pies, ham and PRIME RIB. This year was no exception. So I drove back from Pittsburgh with a giant hunk of delicious beef in the trunk of my car. But what to do with it once I got itContinue reading Leftovers! Pittsburgh-Style Prime Rib Salad
BH&G Cooking for Two: Steak Night–Indoors
This dinner, from Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two, is one that I made a long time ago. Like months and months and months ago and never had anything much to say about it. And now—–well, I still don’t have anything to say about it. Holy crap, it is terribly difficult for me toContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Steak Night–Indoors
Welcome to Wiener Wednesdays, kiddies! I’m so sorry that it’s been a couple weeks without a wiener-related post, but I’ve been doing that whole synergy thing with the Cock-a-Doodle and the Beef Tongue! But whatever. Today is a true WIENER WEDNESDAY! Now, I know that Dinner is Served is all about the retro recipes, butContinue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY: Super Tuber
74. Tongue (Italian Style)
I know, I know, I know. Two weeks in a row without a Wiener Wednesday. But I’m giving you the only thing that could replace a Wednesday wiener, and that is tongue. I can’t even apologize for how dirty that sounds. All of the correspondence involving this dish was unintentionally lewd. But my favorite was thisContinue reading 74. Tongue (Italian Style)
7. Calico Potato Salad
The lovely people at Arganica gave me a free mixed produce crate to work my magic on and give their subscribers some ideas on what to do with the massive quantities of delicious produce that arrives on their doorstep. And Dinner is Served! was a great starting point for me to make a dish forContinue reading 7. Calico Potato Salad
BH&G Meals In Minutes: “Family Favorite”
Two words, people: CIRCLE PUPS. That’s what drew me to the “Family Favorite” dinner from Meals In Minutes, a volume from the Better Homes & Gardens Creative Cooking Library. I just acquired this gem when I went back home to Pittsburgh last month. With it I scored 12 other BH&G cookbooks (different years and series).Continue reading BH&G Meals In Minutes: “Family Favorite”
St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage
FYI: This post originally appeared April 17, 2011. Truth: I do not go out for St. Patrick’s Day because, like all other High Drinking Days (Mardi Gras, Cinco De Mayo, New Year’s Eve, etc), that’s when the amateurs are out. Also, the last time I was out for Pittsburgh’s St. Patrick’s Day parade I watched aContinue reading St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage
75. Pepper Steak
This is the dinner that never was. OK, that’s a lie. This dinner existed, it’s just that the post never did. Until now. Almost 3 months later. Way way back before the Super Bowl, Cleve and I went over to our friends Todd & Leah’s place in East Baltimore for a night of me not serving dinnerContinue reading 75. Pepper Steak