Sooooooo, sometimes I will half-write a post, put it in my draft folder, and return to it at a much later date. This is definitely one of those instances. Yesterday I opened this post and had no idea what the hell I was reading. Turns out that what I discovered may be the greatest stream-of-consciousness/free-verseContinue reading 197. Pork Chops and Scalloped Potatoes
Tag: poetry
The Total Woman
Lots of fun has been going on over on the Dinner is Served 1972 Facebook fan page. Yesterday I featured the covers to Helen Gurley Brown’s Sex and the Single Girl and subsequent cookbook. Today, I went to the absolute other end of the female self-help spectrum and posted the cover of Marabel Morgan’s Handbook for KitchenContinue reading The Total Woman
Yes, I’m still alive
Hey kittens. Sorry that I’ve been AWOL. The time off really messed with my writing mojo and I did a lot of partying over the break. I have no idea what day it is anymore. But don’t fret, I did some cooking over Thanksgiving (can you say Shrimp Sputnik?), I just haven’t had a chanceContinue reading Yes, I’m still alive
Friday Fluff
I’m sorry that I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been busy working on another writing project and just out and about and having fun–gallivanting about Baltimore. So I don’t have anything for you today food-wise. When I put it to a vote last week, you guys overwhelmingly said “why the hell not?” to meContinue reading Friday Fluff
Pittsburgh Fried Jumbo Sandwich
So, the other day I was internet stalking one of my dates*** and I decided to Google myself. Well, that’s an interesting experience. If you do a Google image search for me, I am a wide variety of retro recipe cards, plates of food, screenshots from the X-Files, and pictures of my cousin, Jessica, who wasContinue reading Pittsburgh Fried Jumbo Sandwich