RIP President Carter. Although not everyone has fond memories of his presidency, wow oh wow did he go on to build a lasting legacy. He will be remembered as a kind gentleman who (in my humble opinion) exemplifies what it means to be a Christian. The man got himself a Nobel Peace Prize, for fuck’sContinue reading The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
Tag: peanut butter
168. Skewered Flank Steak
Gonna tell you right off the bat that this was delicious. And super-easy. I marinated the flank steak the night before, hard-boiled the eggs for the salad, and made the cream cake roll that morning (that will be detailed in a later post). I’m happy to report that No. 168 started at 5:20 pmContinue reading 168. Skewered Flank Steak
Wiener Wednesday: The Elvis Dog (Cowboy Day!)
Howdy ho, partners! It’s Wiener Wednesday! It is also 3 days to the 5th Annual Cowboy Day Cookalong hosted by our friends at Recipes4Rebels. So today’s post is in celebration of both hot dogs and cowboys. And Elvis. LOGIC: Elvis played a cowboy in multiple movies. In the film Loving You he sings–I shit you not–a songContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: The Elvis Dog (Cowboy Day!)
The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
Jimmy Carter is the 39th president of the US, a Nobel Peace Prize award winner, and is known for his tireless dedication to volunteerism, philanthropy, and to his wife, Rosalynn. But whenever I hear “Jimmy Carter” the first thing I think of is peanuts. Sad but true. So of course when I found out thatContinue reading The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
The Sandwich: Happy Birthday, Elvis!
Happy Elvis Day, my friends! Today Elvis would have been 80. That totally blows my mind. Frank Sinatra died at 82 and performed and recorded almost right to the very end. Tony Bennett is frickin’ 88 and just released an album with Lady Gaga. Just think of what Elvis might be doing right now hadContinue reading The Sandwich: Happy Birthday, Elvis!
Happy PB&J Day!
Oh, what a wonderful day to be alive! Who doesn’t like a good peanut butter sandwich? Aside from those allergic to the peanut, of course. I actually brought peanut butter and jelly into work today to make a PB&J for my breakfast. I’m celebrating in style! Here is today’s sandwich: And of course, it wouldn’tContinue reading Happy PB&J Day!
Wiener Wednesday: Banana Wobbler
Oh. My. Gawd. What does one do when National Jell-O Week collides with Wiener Wednesday? Well, if I had known that this was National Jell-O Week, I would have a frankfurter mold for you right now. But instead I have this dish, the selection of which was a happy accident. From the Joys of Jell-OContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Banana Wobbler
National Peanut Butter Day!
It’s National Peanut Butter Day! I love me some peanut butter. Did you know that it is most excellent on vanilla ice cream? It’s true. When I was a kid there was a chubby little girl in my neighborhood who sometimes would play with me and my little brother. And one day my mum gaveContinue reading National Peanut Butter Day!
Frank Wrap-Ups & Nutty Pups
This is about the night I ate a hot dog topped with crunchy peanut butter. Back in May I was enjoying some Beams and Bohs at Ottobar with my buddy Rar Kelly, the resident DJ at F#@K the RENT, one of Baltimore’s best dance parties (Listen to some Rar Kelly real talk here. Yay for shameless friendContinue reading Frank Wrap-Ups & Nutty Pups
BH&G Cooking for Two: Peanut Butter Special
I am a sucker for any recipe that has a superlative in its name: deluxe, luscious, spectacular, impossible, amazing–so it’s no surprise that I was drawn to Peanut Butter Special from Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two. Also, the chapter was titled “Sandwiches–Good for a Twosome.” But we all know that sandwiches are bestContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Peanut Butter Special
Monday Night Quickie: Frugal Pad Thai
One of the problems with an undertaking such as Dinner is Served! is that it doesn’t leave much time for me to try recipes that are decidedly not retro. Which is a shame because I really enjoy cooking foods outside of the 1970s canon. So I finally took the time tonight and tried a recipeContinue reading Monday Night Quickie: Frugal Pad Thai