So, I’m, like in a cooking competition n’at. Seriously. over at The Rantings of an Amateur Chef, I’m part of a food competition. Not a challenge like the Jell-O ones. I am going head-to-head with other cooks. So there’s voting. And there are prizes. I LOVE PRIZES. So the rules are simple: the participants areContinue reading DICED!

BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce

MEATBALLS–TAKE TWO! This is the second meatball dinner from the “Meals to Double-Up and Divide” of Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two (1977). To refresh your memory, the deal is that I made 48 meatballs and froze them up at Buckeye’s house. Twelve meatballs each will be used in 4 different preparations (a.k.a. Meatballs–FourContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce

Wiener Wednesday: Sausage in Biscuits

This week’s recipe comes from Better Homes & Gardens Meat Cookbook (1971 edition) Sausage in Biscuits! That sounds tasty. Sausage: good. Biscuits: very good. Kinda like Nic’s British Sausage Rolls–which are just little pockets of heaven. But then you get into the recipe and realize that this is made from refrigerator biscuits, canned Vienna Sausages,Continue reading Wiener Wednesday: Sausage in Biscuits

Church Lady Cookbook Casserole Challenge: Cock-a-Doodle Casserole

We interrupt your Regularly Scheduled Programming (that being Wiener Wednesday) for this Special Presentation… In the tradition of the Knoxapocalypse comes the Church Lady Cookbook Casserole Challenge! A culinary smackdown featuring the best (gross and/or weird) casseroles that church, synagogue, and community association cookbooks have to offer. So, Brian from Caker Cooking, Erica from Retro RecipeContinue reading Church Lady Cookbook Casserole Challenge: Cock-a-Doodle Casserole