Happy National Liver & Onions Day! Today we’re going to delve into the archives for the occasion. A version of this post first appeared on the DiS1972 blog August 2, 2012. I decided to make No. 33 for my friend, Claire. Before she arrived, I assembled the Jellied-Lime Cucumber Salad and the Jelly Roll. IContinue reading National Liver & Onions Day: 33. Liver a la Gourmet
Tag: Movies
Pieathalon 8: Mahogany Pie (1978)
Welcome to the 8th Annual Pieathalon! You all know the deal–the Pieathletes send me pre-1990 pie recipes and I randomly assign them to another Pieathlete. We make ’em! Then share ’em! My assignment is courtesy of Dr. Bobb of Dr. Bobb’s Kitschen. He submitted two different recipes and this is the one I chose, fromContinue reading Pieathalon 8: Mahogany Pie (1978)
188. Mediterranean Salad (BOOM!)
This is a perfect meal for summer weather–because the most cooking that it calls for is the boiling of some eggs and potatoes (you could just buy those tiny canned potatoes). This is also the perfect meal for me to talk about the a movie I just watched–1968’s BOOM! starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. AndContinue reading 188. Mediterranean Salad (BOOM!)
#FoodInFilm “Bye Bye Birdie” Pink Champagne
So, Jenny over at Silver Screen Suppers informed me that there is another little blogathon going on this weekend. This time, focusing on food that appears in–or is inspired by–a film. Hence, the fitting hashtag #FoodInFilm. Well, that’s right up my alley! For my #FoodInFilm submission I chose one of my all-time favorites, the movieContinue reading #FoodInFilm “Bye Bye Birdie” Pink Champagne
127. Pork Ribs and Apple Rings
Today is October 10 and it is currently 82 degrees out. At 5:30pm. I am sick of this bullshit. It’s supposed to be fall now. I want it to be fall so desperately that I am making an apple-pork dish regardless of how hot it is. So, I decided to make this on a weeknight.Continue reading 127. Pork Ribs and Apple Rings
Jon Voight’s Artichokes, California-Style
Round ’em up, little dogies! National Day of the Cowboy is July 24th! In honor of the occasion, Greg over at Recipes For Rebels (also the name of his James Dean-themed cookbook) decided to host an ol’ fashioned cook-along blog-along hootenanny. He was nice enough to invite me over to whip up a dish. AlthoughContinue reading Jon Voight’s Artichokes, California-Style
Happy 30th Birthday, Pretty in Pink!
How old does that make you feel? Yeah, this month, thirty years ago, Pretty in Pink premiered. Of all the John Hughes films, Pretty in Pink is my favorite. And not just because of James Spader’s portrayl of Steff: It also has one of my favorite movie lines in history. You probably are well awareContinue reading Happy 30th Birthday, Pretty in Pink!
Musings on Brittany Murphy
OK, this post is totally random (but it’s my blog and I can write about whatever the hell I want to); one of the little news tidbits I heard today was that Brittany Murphy’s final movie is being released—more than 4 years after her death. I always liked her. Maybe because back when I waitressedContinue reading Musings on Brittany Murphy
Beverage Bonus: The Mary Pickford
It’s snowing again here. But only a few inches. Not enough for cancellation. Or delay (I really could have gone for a delay–I stayed up too late watching season 1 of Hannibal in anticipation of its return on Friday night. Dude, this show is SO good). But if you are somewhere today where it isContinue reading Beverage Bonus: The Mary Pickford
Happy Birthday, James Spader!
Screw Ducky. Screw Blane. (His name is Blane? Blane?) Can we all just agree that Andie should have ended up with Steff in Pretty in Pink? Well, he’d be my pick. Maybe I’m such a fan of Less Than Zero because there is not only Spader but RDJ, too! Another gem with them both: TuffContinue reading Happy Birthday, James Spader!
Cherry Chocolate Pie
I haven’t posted about a dessert in a long time–so who is ready for something sweet? I made this dish to cap off the dinner that I will present in the upcoming Vincent Price Halloween Cookalong. You’re excited, right? Chocolate cherry! Hey, anyone ever see that shitty sci-fi movie Cherry 2000 starring Melanie Griffith?Did you know thatContinue reading Cherry Chocolate Pie
Impossible Lasagna Pie
My darlings! I am so sorry that I’ve been AWOL. I went on a week-long vacation at the end of September with my mum’ and between recovering from my trip and catching up on work, I have neglected the blog. I hope that in the next couple of weeks I can get back on trackContinue reading Impossible Lasagna Pie
Friday Fluff
I’m sorry that I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been busy working on another writing project and just out and about and having fun–gallivanting about Baltimore. So I don’t have anything for you today food-wise. When I put it to a vote last week, you guys overwhelmingly said “why the hell not?” to meContinue reading Friday Fluff