For Memorial Day this year I went to not 1–but 2 Memorial Day barbecues. This is what I chose to make for the second party, to accompany hamburgers on the grill. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the 1984 Shirley Jones’ Favorite Holiday Recipe Cards courtesy of Ralph’s Grocery Company: I mean, it was aContinue reading Twin Peaks Tuesday: Shirley Jones’ Mexicali Corn Casserole
Tag: Mexican
Impossible Quesadilla (that’s kay-seh-dee-yah) Pie
So, it’s not KWAY-suh-dill-uh? Damn. Because that’s how I’ve been saying it for years. I think you all know that I love a good Impossible Pie. So I have declared yet another Resolution for 2014: make all of the Impossible Pies in the Bisquick “No Time To Cook” Recipe Book (1982). I found the booklet onContinue reading Impossible Quesadilla (that’s kay-seh-dee-yah) Pie
Emily’s Star Market Guacamole
Hey kittens! I know that I’ve been AWOL this week. But things have been super-busy at work and I’ve just been a little social butterfly. Since we last kiki’ed: Mr. Buckeye and I went out on Saturday night to imbibe some dirty Martinis and the bartender asked us if we could keep it down (can youContinue reading Emily’s Star Market Guacamole
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Brian sends you taco kisses and margarita dreams.
Wiener Wednesday: Chihuahua
Hola! Welcome to Wiener Wednesdays, my darlings! I’ve had guests for the past 2 weekends so I really haven’t had time to cook (faux McRib notwithstanding). I haven’t had time to grocery shop, either. So for this week’s Wiener Wednesday I just really pulled one out of my ass with what I had in myContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Chihuahua
Impossible Taco Pie
I love anything with a superlative in its name. Especially anything called Impossible. Couple that with the phrase Taco Pie and you’ve got a simply irresistible dish. Seriously, I love Mexican food. Especially at-home Americanized Mexican food. There’s really not a lot to say about this except that it was delicious. And easy. It would’ve beenContinue reading Impossible Taco Pie
Lessons in Leftovers: Korean Beef Tacos & Prime Rib Fajitas
Inspired by both a Cooking Light recipe and my recent visit to Honey Pig Korean BBQ (gosh, do I love Korean food), I used some of my leftover prime rib from The Prime Rib to make Korean Beef Tacos. I thinly sliced some beef off the bone and marinated it in a mixture of soy sauce,Continue reading Lessons in Leftovers: Korean Beef Tacos & Prime Rib Fajitas
86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
First off, I want to point out how international Dinner is Served! has been recently: lasagna, goulash, chow mein, sauerbraten, chili con carne–and now #86, Albondigas con Salsa Fria. I didn’t realize how frickin’ global and cultured this box was when I first opened it. After a quick flip through the remaining cards, it looksContinue reading 86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
47. Mexican Chili Con Carne and the Game of the Week
Please disregard any formatting issues on #47–since I lost this post and had to recreate it piecemeal, it’s not my best work. This was to be the week of the Game of the Century: No. 1 ranked LSU versus No. 2 ranked Alabama in a fight for BCS and SEC superiority. Game of the Century myContinue reading 47. Mexican Chili Con Carne and the Game of the Week
88. Beef Enchiladas
Hola, amigos! It’s summer and it’s time for something a little spicy, and a little saucy. Enter #88 Beef Enchiladas. I kicked-off the fiesta with some Margaritas which I made as part of a guest post I did for 1972 The Retro WW Experiment. If you want to read the recipe, hop on over to my girl Mimi’s blog.Continue reading 88. Beef Enchiladas
67. Tamale Pie
I’ve been very dilligent on the cooking-end of Dinner is Served! but I must admit that I’ve gotten a little behind on the posting. So it’s not until now that I give you #67, Tamale Pie. Please keep in mind I don’t remember how long ago I made it and I apparently did not take anyContinue reading 67. Tamale Pie